Tag: diet

How to Stay Healthy and Fit Over 65

How to Stay Healthy and Fit Over 65

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to take care of our bodies to maintain good health and fitness. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy and fit over 65, and nutrition experts have some valuable tips to share. Nutrition Tips: Eat a 

5 Day Meal Plan For A Renal Diet

5 Day Meal Plan For A Renal Diet

Are you or a loved one dealing with kidney disease and trying to navigate a renal diet? Meal planning can be a daunting task when faced with the restrictions and requirements of a kidney-friendly diet. However, taking the time to plan ahead and choose the 

Is Quinoa a Seed or a Grain?

Is Quinoa a Seed or a Grain?

This is a question along the same lines of is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Technically speaking, a tomato is a fruit that many refer to as a vegetable. However, answering whether quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a seed or a grain isn’t so 

So, you lost the weight. Here’s How to Keep it Off

So, you lost the weight. Here’s How to Keep it Off

You did it. Through dedication, hard work and being ultra-aware of what you ate you lost 15 pounds. Now the hard part begins. You’ve got to keep those 15 pounds you lost, well, lost…out there wherever lost pounds go (maybe they just move around, jumping 

Meal Delivery Service…Great for Your Health

Meal Delivery Service…Great for Your Health

I’ve written, many times, about the benefits of a meal delivery service on this blog. I mean, after all, I work for a meal delivery service so it kinda makes sense. However, I normally write about the convenience, or how it saves time and money, 

How to Ditch Your Soda Addiction

How to Ditch Your Soda Addiction

While not considered an addictive substance in the same category as, say, crack cocaine, crystal meth, or alcohol, for obvious reasons, soda does have addictive qualities. Those addictive qualities stem from two ingredients contained within; sugar and caffeine. Both ingredients release dopamine, the “happy hormone,” 

Bad Habits that Can Cause Weight Gain

Bad Habits that Can Cause Weight Gain

We all have them, bad daily habits that contribute to our health issues.  And many of those bad habits we are unaware of, which makes them especially nefarious (from my “word of the day” calendar). As I’m sure you’ve heard before, becoming aware of the 

Six Ways to Make Healthy Eating Easier

Six Ways to Make Healthy Eating Easier

Yes, eating healthy can be quite a chore. If that’s the case, then the opposite must also be true and that is certainly the case. Eating in an unhealthy manner is incredibly easy thanks to fast food joints on every corner and how convenient and 

Common Diet Myths Busted

Common Diet Myths Busted

George Washington cut down a cherry tree and then admitted it when questioned rather than tell a lie. Just 300 Spartans held off the entire Persian army at Thermopylae. Christopher Columbus discovered America. Marie Antoinette once said, “Let them eat cake.” when asked what the 

The Sweet Health Risks of Added Sugars

The Sweet Health Risks of Added Sugars

If you’ve taken a minute to look at food labels recently, you should have noticed a relatively new addition called “added sugars.” The next obvious question is, what are added sugars? Sugars can be broken into two categories. The first is naturally occurring sugars such