The Glorious Grapefruit

The Glorious Grapefruit

Perhaps no other fruit, or food, for that matter, is more associated with dieting than the humble grapefruit (except for maybe celery). If anyone in a movie or television show is trying to lose weight, they will most likely be seen eating a grapefruit, especially 

Is Quinoa a Seed or a Grain?

Is Quinoa a Seed or a Grain?

This is a question along the same lines of is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Technically speaking, a tomato is a fruit that many refer to as a vegetable. However, answering whether quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a seed or a grain isn’t so 

Healthy Dessert Recipes

Healthy Dessert Recipes

Yes, Virginia, there are healthy dessert recipes. They do exist and they can be just as delicious as non-healthy desserts. The key to enjoying healthy desserts is in finding a recipe that looks enticing and then making it yourself…a bit labor intensive, I know, but 

How to Get Your Diet Back on Track After Thanksgiving

How to Get Your Diet Back on Track After Thanksgiving

We all know that the Thanksgiving holiday is no longer restricted to just Thanksgiving Day. It has morphed into a week-long gluttony-fest that runs from the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving all the way to the Monday after. It begins as we must take the Wednesday 

Healthy Eating Tips for Holiday Gatherings

Healthy Eating Tips for Holiday Gatherings

It’s here, six-weeks of parties, family gatherings, office holiday happy hours, omnipresent baked goods and alcohol and massive sit-down dinners where the table strains under the weight of the food upon it. All this after you’ve spent the last 10 months exercising on a regular 

The Many Benefits of a Pre-Made Meal Delivery Service

The Many Benefits of a Pre-Made Meal Delivery Service

Those benefits can be boiled done to two words, convenience and healthy. That’s it. Obviously, there are other words that fall under those two umbrella words and they are as follows…I know, short introductory paragraph, right? Convenience would be the first word that comes to 

How to Handle Your Next Snack Attack

How to Handle Your Next Snack Attack

You know it’s coming; your next inevitable snack attack. You might even know when and where, as these things tend to have a pattern. Every day, say around 3:30, you find yourself scrounging around the office break room, your fridge or pantry looking for something 

Healthy Breakfast Foods that Keep You Full

Healthy Breakfast Foods that Keep You Full

We’ve heard it all before, right? “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” While there is some debate regarding that statement, most nutritionists agree that breakfast, as a meal, should not be skipped (even if you’re into intermittent fasting). Most people, if they 

How To Choose Healthy Food When You’re Busy

How To Choose Healthy Food When You’re Busy

I know, life gets in the way, right? Just this week, I had extra work piled on, doctor’s appointments, and a family emergency. How do you choose healthy food when you’re busy?

How to Get Yourself to Love Healthy Food (or at least like it)

How to Get Yourself to Love Healthy Food (or at least like it)

The list is endless, Brussels sprouts and bean sprouts; cauliflower and quinoa flour; chia seeds and chickweed; sardines and pinto beans…the list of healthy foods I don’t like is endless, while the same can be said for the list of unhealthy foods I DO like. Damn