Exercise Routines for Beginners

Exercise Routines for Beginners

So, you say you want to start a regular exercise routine, but you don’t know where or how to start? Well, there’s good news, I’m here to help. What makes me the expert? Well, I’m not. However, I’ve had a regular exercise routine since I 

Reestablish Healthy Habits this Spring

Reestablish Healthy Habits this Spring

Spring is the season of rejuvenation, renewal and rebooting (yes, there is a theme in this post that I’m sure you’ve recognized). I often consider spring to be similar to New Year’s Day in this regard. The snow and cold have retreated, for the most 

Seniors and Strength Training: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start

Seniors and Strength Training: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start

Here’s your word of the day: sarcopenia. In non-medical English, sarcopenia translates into age-related muscle loss and we all begin to suffer from it somewhere around age 35. More bad news; the further we move on from 35, sarcopenia increases, especially after the age of 

Five Benefits of Working out with a Partner

Five Benefits of Working out with a Partner

How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Was one of them to work out more often? Even if that means a walk a few times a week, it can be hard to keep up your motivation if you’re doing it on your own. 

What’s a HIIT Workout and Why Should You Care?

What’s a HIIT Workout and Why Should You Care?

As a former member of the military, I’ve had my fill of acronyms. However, even in civilian life I haven’t escaped them, but HIIT (pronounced “hit,” but usually does not involving hitting anything) is worth learning.  HIIT stands for “high intensity interval training” and it 

10 Best Fitness Apps

10 Best Fitness Apps

Look, exercising on a consistent basis and eating properly are difficult tasks to maintain over the long term. We all need a little help in our attempt to stay healthy and reach our fitness goals and that help can come from friends and workout partners. 

How to Stick to Your Fall Fitness Routine

How to Stick to Your Fall Fitness Routine

Without a doubt, summer is the season when we are most active. Warm weather, more daylight hours, and more time off from work all conspire to get us moving more and many times we do not even realize it. However, once the leaves begin to 

10 Ways to Live a Longer Life

10 Ways to Live a Longer Life

Yes, there are at least ten things you could begin doing right now that could potentially extend your lifespan…call them life hacks if you like. Of course, these things are not guaranteed to add years to your life (isn’t there a saying about no guarantees 

Our Healthy Meal Plans Help You Lose Weight and Add Years to Your Life

Our Healthy Meal Plans Help You Lose Weight and Add Years to Your Life

There really is no denying it, a consistent, healthy diet aids in weight loss, which has numerous other beneficial side effects such as improved quality of life and adding years to your life (exercise does as well, but that’s another post for another day). As of 

Simple and Easy At-Home Exercises

Simple and Easy At-Home Exercises

And by “simple and easy” I’m referring to exercises that require no equipment. That’s right, no treadmill, stationary bike with an online trainer screaming at you, weights, stair climber, or Bowflex required. All you might need is a yoga mat and water bottle and they’re