Paleo Diet – Guest Blog

Paleo Diet – Guest Blog

Is a new diet trend making Vegans think twice? As the environment has become an increasingly important focus point for many, we have moved to meal planning which is eco-friendly.  One of the biggest moves for many was to cut back on the amount of 

Ten Chicken questions and answers

Ten Chicken questions and answers

Don’t forget that has lots of scrumptious, easy chicken dishes. How many pounds of chicken does a rotisserie chicken yield? -lots of people want to know this so they can use the ready-cooked meat for another recipe. It comes out to about 3 lbs. 

Why do most women crave chocolate?

Why do most women crave chocolate?

You know you do. I certainly do. But why do  most women crave chocolate? Why is it that 9/10 women say they’d rather have chocolate than sex? (This is documented, although if you add the word “Great” before the word “sex, the numbers change dramatically). 

Ten Little-known Food Facts

Ten Little-known Food Facts

Peanut Butter is good for you. It’s high-fat, so don’t go overboard, but a tablespoon of peanut butter on a slice of  whole-grain bread is a good source of iron, fiber and protein, and it fills you up. This article claims that it even may