America’s Cornucopia of Summer Fruits and Veggies

America’s Cornucopia of Summer Fruits and Veggies

I think sometimes we forget the sheer variety of fruits and veggies produced by this “great” (sorry, I’ve always thought of U.S. as great) country.  But given its massive size and varying climates, it should come as no surprise that America produces quite a cornucopia 

Summer Bonding Activities with the Grandkids

Summer Bonding Activities with the Grandkids

In writing these blogs, my wonderful editor simply suggests a topic and then leaves the rest to me (which, more often than not, usually works out fine).  For example, for the post you’re currently enjoying, the topic was “Bored?  Great ideas for shaking up the 

Apps: From Useful to Fun to Plain Creepy

Apps: From Useful to Fun to Plain Creepy

I must admit, when I was assigned this topic my relatively advanced age clouded my thinking especially given that this blog appears on a food delivery site.  I immediately began thinking of and searching for the most delicious appetizers out there.  I actually began to 

Ten Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Ten Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Yes, there actually was a St. Valentine (or perhaps two) that lived in 3rd century Italy, was associated with courtly love, martyred (maybe) and then beatified on February 14th of God only knows what year.  He and his day were then promoted by the famous 

The Secret Behind Your Cravings for Unhealthy Snacks

The Secret Behind Your Cravings for Unhealthy Snacks

Most people associate cravings with pregnant women…you know, pickles dipped in peanut butter or cookie dough and mustard.  However, we all tend to have cravings from time to time and research suggests that these cravings are caused by a mineral or vitamin deficiency within our 

The Joys(?) of Comfort Food

The Joys(?) of Comfort Food

So, when my awesome boss gave me this topic, I must admit that I thought there wasn’t much to it.  Boy was I wrong.  It turns out that the phenomenon known as “comfort food” has been the subject of numerous psychological, sociological and physiological 

Mid-October, the Perfect Time to Start Your Christmas Shopping

Mid-October, the Perfect Time to Start Your Christmas Shopping

When I was a much younger man, a kid actually, I used to poke fun at my mother for beginning her Christmas plans around this time of year.  She would (and still does) make a list of all the people she planned to purchase or 

October: National Financial Planning Month…Who Knew?

October: National Financial Planning Month…Who Knew?

Yes, the designation of October as National Financial Planning Month could be a contrived creation foisted upon us by certified financial planners (to a cynic like myself).  Regardless, it’s still a good time to make or review financial plans for your future.  After all, it 

The Joys of the Autumnal Season

The Joys of the Autumnal Season

Before we begin, a bit of disclosure: perhaps my all-time favorite word in the English language is “autumnal.”  Definition: of, characteristic of, or occurring in autumn.  Rather than the vibrant colors, or pumpkins, or cooler temperatures, or football, or comfy sweaters, or Halloween, I enjoy 

A Message from My Sons Regarding Climate Change

A Message from My Sons Regarding Climate Change

Hello devoted blog readers.  As the title implies, this week’s topic deals with a rather controversial issue for some, climate change, although I don’t fully understand this controversy.  The fact that the Earth’s climate is changing is not disputed except by a small group