The Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Pressure

The Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Before we get to the list of foods that lower blood pressure, let’s talk.  Blood pressure…those mysterious dual numbers that are read to you every time you visit a health-related office, including the dentist.  Ever wonder what they mean?  They simply measure the amount of 

Osteoporosis: It’s All About Your Density, Not Your Destiny

Osteoporosis: It’s All About Your Density, Not Your Destiny

You’ve all heard the jokes about hip fractures and/or hip replacements… An elderly man is told he needs a hip replacement and his wife replies, “He’s never been ‘hip’ a day in his life.  How can you replace something he’s never had?” Have you ever 

FYI: National Senior Health and Fitness Day is Wednesday, May 30th

FYI: National Senior Health and Fitness Day is Wednesday, May 30th

Yes, I know that’s a long, unwieldy title, but so is National Senior Health and Fitness Day, so I was a bit constrained by that fact…cut me some slack.  Anyway, NSH&FD is, in fact, celebrating its 25th anniversary the last Wednesday in May, which has 

Best Foods for Arthritis Relief

Best Foods for Arthritis Relief

While no diet can cure either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, there are some foods that can provide symptom relief if eaten on a regular basis.  And while each form of arthritis is different (rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disorder that produces inflammation within the joints and 

Best Exercises to Rid Your Waist of Waste

Best Exercises to Rid Your Waist of Waste

So, we normally consider an apple core as waste, but with humans, our core IS, essentially, our waist and for many of us, our waist has a bit of waste (in the form of fat) attached to it.  This waste on our waists has a 

Diet Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Diet Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

So, you say you’re a relatively healthy individual that gets out for the recommended 2-3 hours of physical activity every week.  However, are you still having some difficulty keeping those unwanted pounds off? Then perhaps it’s time to take a serious look at your diet.  

Every April 7th is World Health Day

Every April 7th is World Health Day

OK, confession time.  I had no idea that the World Health Organization (WHO) has sponsored a World Health Day since its founding in 1948.  Is that a commentary on the WHO’s “advertising” efforts or my lack of awareness or both?  I tend to think it’s 

March is (also) National Nutrition Month

March is (also) National Nutrition Month

Holy heck, March is one busy month.  It is home to 24 national “whatever” designations.  Of course, some are better known than others, such as National Women’s History Month and the previously discussed National Kidney Month.  Others, are, how shall we say, not so well 

The Superfoods of 2018

The Superfoods of 2018

Yes, here it is.  The much anticipated annual post regarding 2018 superfoods.  Faster than a speeding antioxidant, more powerful than an amino acid, able to leap tall viruses in a single bound.  Look, inside at your immune system.  It’s a flavonoid.  It’s an omega-3 fatty 

Sensible Tips for Getting and Staying Healthy in the New Year

Sensible Tips for Getting and Staying Healthy in the New Year

Yeah, no this isn’t a New Year’s resolution post.  It’s simply a post about how to improve your health that can be applied at any time.  I’m just simply writing about getting healthy on January third.  That, in no way, associates this post with the