MagicKitchen: The Perfect Gift for the Seniors in Your Life

MagicKitchen: The Perfect Gift for the Seniors in Your Life

It’s really no secret that many seniors do not eat they way they should and there are many reasons for that.  Despite the fact that we become less active and our metabolism slows down as we age, seniors still have basic nutritional needs, as do 

The Secret Behind Your Cravings for Unhealthy Snacks

The Secret Behind Your Cravings for Unhealthy Snacks

Most people associate cravings with pregnant women…you know, pickles dipped in peanut butter or cookie dough and mustard.  However, we all tend to have cravings from time to time and research suggests that these cravings are caused by a mineral or vitamin deficiency within our The Ultimate Holiday Stress Reliever. The Ultimate Holiday Stress Reliever.

Let’s begin this post by discussing the primary causes of stress for most people during the upcoming holiday season.  After researching these causes on numerous and varied sites on the internet machine, from women’s magazines (apparently, men do not suffer from holiday induced stress as 

10 Foods That are High in Iron

10 Foods That are High in Iron

Iron is a healthy part of a balanced diet.  Iron helps to move oxygen around the body,  and plays a part in muscle function and building DNA. Of course, for women of a certain age, making sure we get enough iron is important. Most of 

Avoid it Like the Plague…Fast Food that is

Avoid it Like the Plague…Fast Food that is

Yeah, I know, we’re all pressed for time in our hectic, supersonic lives.  We’ve got work, hobbies, kids to chauffeur around, Netflix series to watch and two world leaders caught up in a middle school insult fight to monitor.  Who has time to cook?  And 

What Are Your Kids in College Eating?

What Are Your Kids in College Eating?

What Are Your Kids in College Eating? Couch pizza, convenience store chili dogs, and every kind of fast food imaginable, such as fried chicken that’s more “fried” than chicken, roast beef sandwiches with enough beef to choke a starving tiger, and 1,000 calorie milk shakes…that’s 

12 Foods that are High in Potassium

12 Foods that are High in Potassium

If you’re having leg cramps, people will say, “Eat a banana!”. Why? Bananas are widely thought to have a lot of potassium, and leg cramps can come from a lack of that mineral. Leg cramps can come from a variety of sources, including dehydration, overuse 

Senior Rules for a Safe and Happy Summer

Senior Rules for a Safe and Happy Summer

Of course, the seniors to which I refer in the title are those of the “well-aged” variety rather than those who are about to enter their last year of high school or college.  As discussed in too much detail in my last post, summer in 

Foods that are Low in Carbs

Foods that are Low in Carbs

A low carb diet is a good lifestyle choice. Studies show it is a healthy way to lose weight, and for many it is a great way to keep weight off. Diet and exercise together are the best way to keep yourself fit and ward 

Home Safety Tips for Seniors

Home Safety Tips for Seniors

It’s just a fact of life: as we age we become less, shall we say…agile, nimble, sprightly, dexterous…choose any synonym for quick and spry you like, we simply don’t move the way we used to.  We also develop certain ailments that require certain medications and