Elderly Parents Who Refuse Help and Siblings Who Refuse to Offer Any: What to Do?

Elderly Parents Who Refuse Help and Siblings Who Refuse to Offer Any: What to Do?

In this post, we’ll try to answer two questions: What to do when elderly parents refuse help? and, what to do when siblings don’t help with aging parents?  Yeah, I know, that’s a lot, right?  Then let’s get started with the first question, well, first… 

Aging at Home: How You Can Help Seniors Keep Their Independence

Aging at Home: How You Can Help Seniors Keep Their Independence

From a very young age, usually around our “terrible twos,” we seek independence in our lives and that search seems to peak in our late teens.  Then, once we have attained independence, we are loath to relinquish it, especially as we reach our golden years.  

How to Care for Aging Parents

How to Care for Aging Parents

Age happens…to all of us, and this immutable fact can make caring for elderly parents a bit of a challenge. It can be extremely difficult to witness the gradual mental and physical deterioration of the people we love most, especially when we have vivid memories 

Holiday Tips for Seniors…Health, Safety and Otherwise

Holiday Tips for Seniors…Health, Safety and Otherwise

Let’s begin this post with a question: why would seniors need special health and safety tips during the holidays?  It’s a simple two-word answer: schedule disruption.  All of us, but perhaps seniors more so than others, function better when on a schedule.  You know, arise 

How to Set up a Meal Plan for Seniors

How to Set up a Meal Plan for Seniors

Yeah, I know, the holidays are almost upon us and the last thing you want to think about is meal planning for the elderly person(s) in your life.  But you know you worry about whether your elderly parents or grandparents are eating enough and/or if 

Best Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens

Best Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens

Yeah, I know it’s only the beginning of October, but it’s time to begin at least THINKING about the holidays and, by extension, senior gift ideas.  And it’s my job to provide you with a list of gift ideas for the seniors in your life, 

Your Guide to Losing Weight After 60

Your Guide to Losing Weight After 60

OK, so you’ve put on a few unnecessary pounds over the years but losing weight after 60 isn’t an impossibility.  It just, like most everything else in life, takes a plan and a little determination to follow that plan through.  “But why, oh esteemed blogger, 

How to Combat Elderly Loss of Appetite

How to Combat Elderly Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite in elderly people happens and its going to happen to all of us.  As we age, our metabolism slows to a crawl and, to a certain degree, we do as well.  In other words, our level of physical activity decreases.  These two 

Hey Seniors, Eat Healthy this Summer

Hey Seniors, Eat Healthy this Summer

Sure, there are all kinds of excuses to lay around all summer and eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should.  For summer should not be known as ice cream season.  It should be known as 

Top Tips for Elderly Health

Top Tips for Elderly Health

Did you ever wake up one morning, look in the mirror and face the realization that you’re old or elderly or a senior (and not a high school senior) or that you’d be reading a blog on a food delivery service site regarding health tips