How to survive the after Christmas blues

christmas-bluesThe week after Christmas is always the mini-season of limbo. We’re all different, and we all have different ways of dealing with the Christmas blues. Some may choose to spend the week opening presents while others might want an extra week off work. Personally, I just sit on the couch and make those New Year resolutions -either way, during this time, an old fashioned case of after Christmas blues can definitely be settling in.

What most of us do not know is that it is okay to grieve for those amazing Christmas days that are gone for another year – shed a tear, sing hallelujah… whatever you do, acknowledge the fact that there’s a whole new year that requires the best of your attention.   Get creative and create an outlet either by writing your feelings down on paper, writing a sad song, saying a prayer or painting a picture. It’s important to acknowledge the fact that the well-savored holidays are no more for another eleven months. It’s time to get busy-go back to the normal, mundane routine. A creative outlet would most definitely be helpful.

Sometimes, keeping a journal for when things get tough is a great idea considering that the after Christmas blues leave many of us feeling down and out. It often means back to work-miserable weather and a dwindling bank account balance due to all the expenses. One of the best things is creating something to look forward to. This will keep your spirits up. It might be a nice event or a work trip. Whatever it is, ensure that it is something worthwhile that will make you count down the days.

foodrunnersVolunteering for a good cause after Christmas might not be such a bad thing. Being selfless and focusing on others will certainly make you feel like you are contributing to something important. It’s important to keep your social life going. A true friend is one who sees you through a dark day. Putting yourself out there through your social life is important to boosting your moods after the festivities.

Also, you could spend your time watching some great comedy or rent a funny DVD. After all, they say laughter is the best medicine. Do not pile all your sorrows into readily available junk food. Sadly, this leads to unnecessary weight gain. Instead, focus your energy on things in the new year that really matter. Above all, as all the holiday food settles into your system, do not forget the value of a good work out.

Most importantly, getting back to your regular routine will help you feel normal. Although we may all feel beat down and uninspired after the holidays, take time to do something interesting -step out of your comfort zone. Indulge in things that make you step out of your comfort zone. Feeling too comfortable will make you feel uninspired and unmotivated. Show how brave you are by beating the after Christmas blues and taking the New Year by the horns!

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