The Health Benefits of Walking More

The Health Benefits of Walking More

You are not walking enough…probably. You are also probably not walking fast or often enough. Research consistently reveals that most American adults do not get enough aerobic activity, which includes walking, and that same research reveals numerous health benefits that are derived from regular walking 

6 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Summer Months

6 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Summer Months

It’s summer, the season of sun, more daylight hours, vacations, cookouts and fireworks. It’s also the season of disrupted daily schedules, ignored diets, and excuses for overindulgence. However, with just a bit of forethought and determination it is possible to maintain and meet your fitness 

The Unexpected Benefits of Walking

The Unexpected Benefits of Walking

Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate, And though we pass them by today, Tomorrow we may come this way And take the hidden paths that run Towards the Moon or to the Sun. I thought I’d regale 

April is “Move More” Month

April is “Move More” Month

And no, your governor’s stay-at-home order is not an excuse to become a couch slug, binge watching that loathsome show about the guy who kept big cats as pets, in tiny cages or sedated so he could hug them without being mauled. And yes, it 

Top Ten Health and Wellness Trends for 2020

Top Ten Health and Wellness Trends for 2020

Just a short intro here as I don’t want this post to be excessively long…It seems we’re at a crossroad here with health and wellness, a dichotomy, if you will.  I noticed these trends can be divided into two categories, those that incorporate technology and 

Health Tips for the Men in your Life

Health Tips for the Men in your Life

Yes, some of the following health tips can be applied to women as well, such as eating well, exercising and ending unhealthy habits.  However, men tend to be more reluctant to incorporate this advice into their lives.  Is this due to feelings of invulnerability and 

Macros and MagicKitchen

Macros and MagicKitchen

The good news is that “macros” does not refer to macroeconomics…unless you’re into that, then it’s bad news, but who’s into macroeconomics…honestly.  “Macros” in this instance refers to macronutrients, or the things you eat and in this case the things you eat are broken into 

Stay Woke Regarding Your Health this Holiday Season!

Stay Woke Regarding Your Health this Holiday Season!

Yep, I just went there.  I just appropriated a social trope (stay woke) in order to help you stay healthy over the holidays.  For those of you still dozing out there, “stay woke” is a social/political term that refers to being aware of various forms 

Exercise Tips for Type 2 Diabetics

Exercise Tips for Type 2 Diabetics

Chances are, if you’ve developed type 2 diabetes, you’re overweight, and that’s OK…stuff happens.  However, now that “stuff” has happened, you’re forced to deal with your type 2 diabetes and regular exercise is an essential part of your treatment. There is no cure for type 

The Keto Diet: Why All the Fuss?

The Keto Diet: Why All the Fuss?

We tend to follow trends and, with regard to diets, this very much holds true.  Currently, the new trendy trend among diets is what’s known as the ketogenic, or keto, diet.  Look on magazine covers while standing in the grocery checkout lines, diet and/or food