Exercise Routines for Beginners

Exercise Routines for Beginners

So, you say you want to start a regular exercise routine, but you don’t know where or how to start? Well, there’s good news, I’m here to help. What makes me the expert? Well, I’m not. However, I’ve had a regular exercise routine since I 

How to Supercharge Your Morning

How to Supercharge Your Morning

Let’s face it, mornings (especially Mondays) can suck…but they don’t have to. There are ways to improve how you start your day, no matter if you rise at 4:30 or 11:30. While some of the following suggestions might not be for everyone (I, for one, 

Everything You Need to Know About Brain Fog

Everything You Need to Know About Brain Fog

Sure, we all feel unfocused or suffer a memory lapse (nice way to say “we forget stuff”) every so often, but if this is happening with more and more frequency, you might have a nonmedical condition known as brain fog. And while aging can contribute 

10 Foods That Reduce Stress

10 Foods That Reduce Stress

Stress is our body’s response to a perceived threat or pressure. It causes both chemical and physical changes within our bodies that, over time, can produce detrimental health effects. There are times when the stress response is required as it helps us in times of, 

Seniors and Strength Training: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start

Seniors and Strength Training: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start

Here’s your word of the day: sarcopenia. In non-medical English, sarcopenia translates into age-related muscle loss and we all begin to suffer from it somewhere around age 35. More bad news; the further we move on from 35, sarcopenia increases, especially after the age of 

March 10th is World Kidney Day

March 10th is World Kidney Day

Should it actually be called World Kidneys Day since we have two? Just a thought. Anyway, World Kidney Day was created for the same reason other special “days” were created, to raise awareness about the things in the title of that day, in this case, your 

2022 Health and Wellness Crazes

2022 Health and Wellness Crazes

You’ve probably heard this one: Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in. Simple, but there’s truth there. So what are the latest ways to get and stay healthy and well? Here’s a list of the top 10 health 

Five Benefits of Working out with a Partner

Five Benefits of Working out with a Partner

How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Was one of them to work out more often? Even if that means a walk a few times a week, it can be hard to keep up your motivation if you’re doing it on your own. 

Healthy Snack Pairings

Healthy Snack Pairings

Fred and Ginger, Sonny and Cher, tequila and salt, hammer and nail, insomnia and the internet…some things were just meant to go together. Even in the oxymoronic world of healthy snacks, some things are meant to go together, even if, at first blush, they seem 

The Sweet Health Risks of Added Sugars

The Sweet Health Risks of Added Sugars

If you’ve taken a minute to look at food labels recently, you should have noticed a relatively new addition called “added sugars.” The next obvious question is, what are added sugars? Sugars can be broken into two categories. The first is naturally occurring sugars such