Take it Slow: The Benefits of Slow Eating

Take it Slow: The Benefits of Slow Eating

I’m guessing you’re familiar with the old saying, “eat, drink and be merry.”  I think we need a 21st century update along the lines of “eat (slowly), drink (water), and be (more) merry.”  Perhaps the easiest thing one can do to lose or maintain weight 

Macros and MagicKitchen

Macros and MagicKitchen

The good news is that “macros” does not refer to macroeconomics…unless you’re into that, then it’s bad news, but who’s into macroeconomics…honestly.  “Macros” in this instance refers to macronutrients, or the things you eat and in this case the things you eat are broken into 

Six Healthy Holiday Snack Recipes

Six Healthy Holiday Snack Recipes

It’s an inevitable, immutable fact about the holidays…it’s impossible to eat healthy, even if you make that valiant attempt.  Home, office, shop, school, store, the homes of family and friends, barn, coal mine, submarine; no matter where you go, unhealthy snacks and food abounds.  And 

12 Foods to Improve Your Mood

12 Foods to Improve Your Mood

(The above title, folks, is as poetic as I get.  I apologize for beginning with a parenthetic reference, but I thought you might like to know, or not).  Food and our moods are inexorably linked.  We know, for example, that when we’re feeling stressed or 

Gluten Intolerant?  20 Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

Gluten Intolerant? 20 Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

If you’re following any kind of specialized diet, the holidays present a unique set of challenges above and beyond those presented in your every-day, non-holiday life.  For those of you who follow a gluten-free diet, for health or other reasons, the holidays, with their routine-breaking 

What the Hell is a Telomere and Why Should You Care?

What the Hell is a Telomere and Why Should You Care?

Let me come clean here, I’m having a heck of a time wrapping my mind around the existence of telomeres and their role in our health and the anti-aging process. I just read a medical study on telomeres and how they can be used as 

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

Along the same lines as the title of this post are: “How to sing like Adele,” How to make love like you were 20 again,” and “How to have more free time and be your own boss.”  I jest, of course.  Obviously, you can only 

Summer Foods That Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

Summer Foods That Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

We all have those favorite memories of carefree childhood summers and those memories usually include a body of water, a young summer romance (like Danny and Sandy from Grease) and our favorite summer foods.  Since this blog is associated with a food delivery service, we’ll 

Unique Ideas for Your Next Picnic

Unique Ideas for Your Next Picnic

Since these ideas are “unique,” they go above and beyond typical ideas that deal with blankets, food and baskets…well, one idea is basket related…but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet.  Anyway, since I’m a big fan of the outdoors, picnics scratch me right 

Summer Drinks to Beat the Heat

Summer Drinks to Beat the Heat

Subtitle: and get a wee bit tipsy, but not falling-down drunk.  And we all know the difference between the two, now don’t we?  These are cocktails that refresh AND have the ability to slightly inebriate.  Not to worry all you teetotalers and minors out there,