Stretching for Health

Many times over the years I have gone to a physiotherapist for a problem, and done the stretches they gave me for a few months until the problem went away, and then gave it up. Then another problem would come along, and I would do the same thing.

I was never a yoga kind of person, not an athlete, and the idea of stretching daily seemed like too much trouble. I was a busy career woman. Anyone who is a yoga type of person or an athlete is now rolling their eyes. I deserve it, go ahead and roll.

Lately, as I got older, I noticed that I had a lot more daily pain, including a hip issue which turned out to be osteoarthritis. I went back to the physiotherapist, and lo and behold, after a week or so of stretching and strengthening exercises, I felt a lot better! I was sleeping better, I was able to bend over and pick things up, and I wasn’t moaning and groaning as much.

Now I have my stretching regimen every day, and I love it. As I get older, my body will thank me for it. I have fewer injuries because the muscles are looser. I could kick myself for not doing this sooner.

Why is stretching so helpful? Here are a few reasons that getting started on a proper stretching program will be beneficial for a long time. Do talk to a doctor or physiotherapist first, to ensure you’re doing the stretches correctly.

    1. More flexibility – that seems obvious, right? But as you age, your muscles tend to tighten, which makes your joints and tendons harder to move and stiffer. Regular stretching loosens the muscles, which loosens everything around your joints, making them easier to use.

  1. Fewer injuries – this is apparently in some dispute. But I know that if I stretch before doing housework, I’m less likely to get lower back pain. My upper back doesn’t spasm from being at the computer all day. And I remember one race car driver who flipped his vehicle, who said if he didn’t stretch regularly, he likely would have broken his neck in the accident. So I’ll leave the professionals to figure this one out, but it helps me.
  2. Improved circulation –  regular stretching brings more blood through the muscle, chasing away the toxins and bringing nutrients in.
  3. Less stress – if you breathe properly through the stretch, you’ll feel a kind of meditation calm by the end of the session.
  4. Last, and most important, pain relief! It’s often the muscles around an injury which cause most of the pain, along with other muscle groups which are reacting to protect an injury. Stretching those out feels good, and helps you to heal. And let’s face it, by a certain age, we all have nagging injuries.

I would like to reiterate that you start a stretching program with a professional, to be sure you’re getting maximum effect, and that you are doing them in a way that is beneficial and not hurting yourself!

Melody, blogger