Month: June 2019

20 Minute Workouts for Seniors

20 Minute Workouts for Seniors

Come on, you’ve got a spare 30 minutes (5 minutes to get ready, 20-minute workout and another 5 to cool down) in your day for exercise.  Don’t lie to me, and, more importantly, don’t lie to yourself.  No one is so busy that they don’t 

Are You Ready for Independence Day?

Are You Ready for Independence Day?

The Fourth, aka Independence Day, is only a few weeks away and if you’re hosting a family and/or friends cook-out or picnic or BBQ or whatever you call your summer get togethers, there’s a lot to do.  Let’s make a general “to do” list, shall 

The Seven Best Gifts for New Parents

The Seven Best Gifts for New Parents

As those of you with children can attest, there is a difference from being a NEW parent and being a parent for the second or third time.  When you’re a new parent, everything is, well, new (and scary).  Yes, you can read all you want 

All the Gluten-Free Info You Could Ever Need

All the Gluten-Free Info You Could Ever Need

Most people, (including you, I would assume) have heard of gluten and the gluten-free diet. However, hearing about gluten and knowing about gluten are two different things. If you’ve ever desired more info about gluten and the gluten-free diet, this wonderful infographic tells you everything 

Fibromyalgia: Must-Eat and Don’t-Touch Foods

Fibromyalgia: Must-Eat and Don’t-Touch Foods

There’s no cure-all when it comes to fibromyalgia. However, fibromyalgia may be better managed by diet, which can improve your quality of life with fibromyalgia. Specifically, fibromyalgia-friendly foods can prevent pain flare-ups and boost your energy levels. Let’s look at the ideal diet for a 

Six Things You Didn’t Know About the Summer Solstice

Six Things You Didn’t Know About the Summer Solstice

And I don’t mean things like what or when it is (which I’ll reveal shortly…like right now).  The reason we have seasons is due to the fact that the earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis.  In other words, if you ran a line 

Ten Ways to Get Your Body Summer-Ready

Ten Ways to Get Your Body Summer-Ready

No, this is not a blog post about how to attain a “bikini” (or speedo) body by June 21, the first official day of summer.  For most of us, that ship has sailed, as they say. No bikinis (or speedos) for us, unless you plan