Month: April 2020

This is Your Body…This is Sugar…This is Your Body on Sugar

This is Your Body…This is Sugar…This is Your Body on Sugar

Yes, I went there. Where, you ask? To the famous anti-drug Public Service Announcement ad campaign from 1987 in which John Roselius compares your brain to an egg, drugs to a hot frying pan, and the frying egg to your brain on drugs. The ad 

April is “Move More” Month

April is “Move More” Month

And no, your governor’s stay-at-home order is not an excuse to become a couch slug, binge watching that loathsome show about the guy who kept big cats as pets, in tiny cages or sedated so he could hug them without being mauled. And yes, it 

Meal Planning for Diabetics

Meal Planning for Diabetics

Everyone, not just diabetics, should create some sort of meal plan.  However, for diabetics, meal planning is crucial for controlling blood sugar levels and, therefore, their overall health and quality of life.  And no, meal planning does not require a great deal of time.  In 

The Benefits of Strength Training for the Elderly

The Benefits of Strength Training for the Elderly

Feeling a little like a chicken trapped in a coop?  Got a bad case of cabin…never mind, bad choice of words.  Got some free time on your hands?  Ever heard of sarcopenia?  I’m guessing your answers are “yes; you’re right, that is a bad choice