Month: November 2019

Seven Possible Reasons for Overeating

Seven Possible Reasons for Overeating

We’ve all done it on occasion…sat down with a quart of Haagen-Dazs, been forced to undo our pants at the buffet table, scarfed down two Whoppers at a single sitting, or split and licked our way through an entire container of Oreos while watching a 

10 Awesome Gifts for Your Older Parents

10 Awesome Gifts for Your Older Parents

…And my older parents as well since my dad is now 86 and mom 84.  That being the case, I know how difficult it can be to shop for older parents as one looks for a nice mix of practical and, dare I say, “fun” 

12 Foods to Improve Your Mood

12 Foods to Improve Your Mood

(The above title, folks, is as poetic as I get.  I apologize for beginning with a parenthetic reference, but I thought you might like to know, or not).  Food and our moods are inexorably linked.  We know, for example, that when we’re feeling stressed or 

Gluten Intolerant?  20 Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

Gluten Intolerant? 20 Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

If you’re following any kind of specialized diet, the holidays present a unique set of challenges above and beyond those presented in your every-day, non-holiday life.  For those of you who follow a gluten-free diet, for health or other reasons, the holidays, with their routine-breaking