Top 20 Healthy Eating Tips

There is a ton of advice often doled out about eating right and staying healthy-and most importantly not to lose your mind when doing it. Healthy eating should not be about strict diets and too little calories; it should be about feeling great when you eat while staying healthy. You are not the only one who is dealing with dietary concerns. These simple healthy eating tips will make you enjoy food and make it the healthiest part of your day!

Eat real, whole Foods

Foods that are provided by nature are the best bet for your body. Eating natural foods will ensure that you always stay healthy.

red-orange-crucEat a lot of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are often the best food choices. Choose an attractive rainbow of colors in order to savor the different kinds of nutrients in them.

Eat the right amount of calories

Depending on how active you are, eat the right amount of calories- balance the energy you consume with the energy you use.

Eat a wide range of foods

Having a diverse diet ensures that your body receives all the nutrients that it needs. Enjoy fish, lean meats, poultry, and all kinds of veggies and fruits. If you’re bored with vegetables, search out new options like salsify, kohlrabi and jicama.

Focus on whole grains

Starchy foods such as cereals, pasta, rice and bread should constitute a third of everything you eat. Wholegrain products and vegetables contain a lot of fiber.

Reduce your unsaturated fat and sugar intake

Too much saturated fat can increase your cholesterol level which increases your risk for developing heart disease. On the other hand, saturated fats are found in junk food such as cakes, biscuits and sausages which are an unhealthy choice. A small amount of vegetable oil or reduced fat spread is the healthier option.

Eat less salt

About three quarter of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy. Usually, food that has more than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt.

seniors-exerciseGet Active

Combine great eating habits with good exercises and workouts. Aim to eat less and be more active. This will help you lose weight more quickly.

Avoid processed drinks

Water and lower-fat milk are usually healthier choice when it comes to getting our bodies hydrated. Sugary, soft and fizzy drinks are not ideal for our health.

Berry-blast-porridge-recipeAlways eat a Healthy Breakfast

Contrary to belief, skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. In reality, a healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet.

Other top healthy eating tips:

  • Do not indulge in night time snacks even though they are hard to resist.
  • Eat several mini-meals during the day as this will keep your hunger pangs in check.
  • Include proteins in all your foods
  • Use spices that stimulate flavor and are usually more satisfying
  • Order children’s portions anytime you are out eating. This will enable you to consume a smaller amount of food.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Use olive oil when cooking(but not on high heat – then use another healthy oil)
  • Read labels in order to buy food that does not contain artificial additives
  • Eat unrefined and unprocessed carbohydrates
  • Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water
  • Buy meals to have on hand when you’re too tired to cook.

1 thought on “Top 20 Healthy Eating Tips”

  • “Start out each day with the knowledge that we are going to attempt to eat about seven times before we retire to bed – about every two hours. We’re never going to feel uncomfortably hungry, and we’re not going to be prevented from eating anything we want. We are not going to over-eat, because we are going to restrict our caloric intake to about 200 calories each time we eat. If we really enjoy one of our mini-meals, and we crave it again, we are going to repeat it in just 2 hours! We are going to celebrate the variety of all that we can eat in the coming day!”

    Excerpt From: Mike Stair. “200 calories Every 2 hours.” iBooks.