Tips to Help You Through the Holidays on a Renal Diet

What’s for dinner? It’s something everyone who plans to attend a party, family gathering, or night out at a restaurant during the holidays wants to know. But if it’s the usual fare, a lot of the food might be off limits if you have renal disease. Then what? No, you don’t have to stay home while everyone else has a good time. You just need to have a plan. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help you through the holidays on a renal diet.

Two Mature Female Friends Talking In Kitchen TogetherTalk to the Cook

If you’re attending a private holiday party or family gathering where food will be served, talk to the cook ahead of time. A good host and cook will want to know if you or any other guests have special dietary needs. But they won’t know what those are unless you let them know.

Provide some suggestions about foods suitable for those with renal disease, or offer to bring a dish you can eat like something from the Renal Meals Menu. Just ask. You’ll find that most people are willing to accommodate your special diet.

If you’ll be eating out at a restaurant, plan ahead by calling the restaurant or looking at the menu online for renal-friendly items on the menu.

Eat Turkey

cured-meatsNo not all turkey is created equal. But it’s a common main dish served at holiday dinners. Find out if a skinless, low-sodium version is available. Or prepare your own by limiting salt and sodium-based marinades to season the turkey. If you don’t have the time or inclination to prepare a turkey, check out the turkey-based dishes available from our selection of renal-friendly meals. And steer clear of cured meats like sausage, bacon, and canned meats, all high in sodium.

Choose Low-Potassium Fruits and Veggies

Your best source of nutrients when you have renal disease is fruits and vegetables. You’ll find lots variations of fruits and veggies served at home, parties, and restaurants during the holidays. But you can just eat any. Steer clear of veggies high in potassium like bananas and prunes. Look for ways to include low-potassium fruits and veggies in your diet like bell peppers, onions, green beans, carrots, onions, and mushrooms. You’ll find lots of renal-friendly meals with fresh vegetables at like Chicken Marsala with Rice, and Peas, and Carrots, or try the Breaded Fish Wedge with Green Beans and Cauliflower.

Do Dessert Right

Dessert in any form isn’t exactly healthy. But there’s lot of it around during the holidays. But just because you have renal disease, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a little. Skip popular desserts like ice cream and chocolate, because both are high in potassium and protein. Instead, go with something like pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream to keep your renal diet on track.

fluidsWatch Your Fluids

You already know the rules about fluids when you have renal disease. You need to limit the amount of fluid you consume from food and drinks to prevent your kidneys from developing a problems. Many health professionals suggest that those with renal disease should not drink alcohol, and it’s a good idea to follow. Instead limit the amount of fluid you drink to water or juice.

Be Smart

When you have renal disease, limit the amount of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, and fluids you consume. Make eating this way a habit, and stay on top of it during the holidays. Eating the right foods, and avoiding others, will help you manage renal disease. Be sure to get enough sleep (7 to 8 hours is best), stay warm, and do everything you can to avoid catching a cold, which can aggravate symptoms associated with renal disease.