10 Strangest Foods to Grill
Grilling inspires the inner chef in most of us, leaving us with that inner voice that is constantly asking “is this grillable?” If you’re looking for new ideas check out the following 10 strangest foods to grill.
1. Clams are so scrumptious during the summer months, and grilling them up is fun and fast, done cooking almost as soon as you toss them on the grill; they’re also a great snack that will keep your family and friends close by.

2. Grilling, smoke, and a trace of salt makes Watermelon surprisingly savory, and a bit “meaty” tasting. Just brush watermelon slices (about 1 inch thick) with olive oil, salt, pepper and minced onion, grill for around 5 minutes on each side until caramelized; yum!
3. Octopus you say? That’s right; if you like octopus you’ll find them even better tasting if they’re grilled (whole). Depending on the heat of your grill and the octopus’s weight, it can take between 10 to 25 minutes to cook them, marinating frequently.
4. Just imagine how amazing pizza would taste if you grilled it? That’s right; you can grill pizza and it’s easy. Just buy some ready made dough, let it get to room temperature and form it into balls in a size that once they’re rolled out will fit on the grill. Next, place them on the grill until grill marks lightly appear and flip (coat a bit of olive oil on the grill first). Toss on some toppings, cover until heated and enjoy.
5. Bring a whole new meaning to “grilled” cheese! You can put firm, thick slices cheese like aged provolone or halloumi on the grill (over medium heat) with a bit of olive oil; delish! Just grill for 1 to 2 minutes, flipping once and enjoy on fresh bread with a few tart/sweet grapes on the side.
6. Romaine lettuce takes grill heat surprisingly well and grilling them creates a smoky flavor that’s ideal for a hearty salad. Slice 2 romaine heads lengthwise, brush the cut sides with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Next place the lettuce cut sides down on the grill and cook 1 to 2 minutes over medium high heat; top off with red wine vinegar and grated Parmesan and enjoy.
7. Grilled cake; really? How awesome is that? Grilling cake gives it a yummy warm interior and sweet, caramelized crust, all balanced out with a slightly smoky essence. Cut a pound or angel food cake into slices around 1 inch thick, butter each side then grill until golden brown (about 2 minutes on each side); top off with ice cream or fresh fruit with whipped cream; what’s not to love???
8. Bacon skewers; that’s right – thread chunks of bacon, thick cut, on metal or wood skewers and grill them over an indirect heat. Eat them as is (or with a slice of grilled pineapple), crumble and add to a salad, or serve on top of grilled burgers.
9. How about grilling nuts? Any nut lover will want to try it; just wrap your favorites in tin foil and gently grill them. Grilled nuts (walnuts, cashews, pecans, etc.) not only taste great in salads, or just as a snack, you can even grind them up and make your own amazing nut butter.

10. Lightly grilled avocado halves add an extra special, smoky flavor to fresh guacamole or top of just about anything you grill.
Think out of the box and take on some of these strange grilling ideas. Your friends and family will appreciate your grill mastery; or at the very least admire your courage.
Cheryl, MagicKitchen.com blogger
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