Make this Year an Exciting One!
Yeah, Yeah, we know what you’re thinking…here come the pointless New Year’s resolutions that everyone makes but no one keeps. Well, we’re not necessarily going to disagree with that, but we’ve put a different spin on this list of resolutions; 5 things you should resolve to STOP doing to make this year more exciting than the last.
Stop staying at home so often. Stop binge watching Orange is the New Black, Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones. Stop reading all those Nicholas Sparks novels. Stop trolling on Facebook and Twitter and get out there and do something. “But what?” we hear you ask. How about trying a new restaurant, or visit a museum, or travel to a nearby place that you’ve always wanted to see, or find an outdoor café and people watch. The possibilities are endless if you just resolve to visit one new place every week of 2015. That’s just 52 new places…you can handle that, can’t you? We thought so!
- Stop being sedentary. And no, we don’t mean get out there and train for a marathon! Simply resolve to move more in 2015. Purchase one of those new, funky fitness wristband things and set a goal to take a certain number of steps throughout your day. Or find some local hiking trails and reconnect with the flora and fauna of your area…just get out there and be more active than you were in 2014.
- Stop eating and drinking so many empty calories. Look, we’re not saying eliminate ALL the junk, no one can do that, just some of it. Here’s a stat to remember, on average we only burn 110 calories per mile traveled. So, drink a 5 ounce glass of wine? Plan on jogging/walking a mile to burn it off! Have a slice of pepperoni pizza? It’ll take you almost 3 miles to rid yourself of that little indulgence. Don’t become an obsessive calorie counter, just resolve to reduce those useless, empty calories in 2015.
Stop being quite so introverted. Want more excitement in 2015? While you’re out there (see #1), meet new people. Just strike up a pleasant conversation. Compliment them on their shoes, ask to pet their dog, comment on how cute their child is, just be nice and that generally works. Again, set a goal to at least talk to one new person a week. You don’t have to start a long term relationship here (unless you want to), just start a conversation…that’s usually how new friends are made!
- Stop being so pessimistic. Look at the glass as half full more often! Locate and embrace you’re inner optimist. We know it’s in there somewhere. You’ll be surprised what a positive attitude can do for your outlook on life. Need help getting started? Hang out with self-professed optimists, read guides on positive thinking/optimism, create a positive mantra that you recite when you feel your inner-pessimist whispering in your ear. Resolve to make 2015 a more optimistic year, and the previous four resolutions will help get you started.
There you have it. Five simple things we should all STOP doing to make 2015 better than 2014. Remember, all goals (or resolutions) should be achievable, and these five certainly meet that criteria. Now it’s up to you to make them happen for a happier, healthier and more exciting 2015!
Steve, blogger
1 thought on “Make this Year an Exciting One!”
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Steve, I love this post. Love #4!