Amazing, Inspiring Seniors
Aging isn’t for wimps. There’s some pretty tough stuff in the pasts of most senior citizens. When those of us who aren’t already in those Golden Years get there, we too will have gone through tough times. Given those tough times, today’s seniors aren’t taking aging laying down. They are embracing the age and are becoming involved in things the elderly of the past would never have dreamed of doing! They are accomplishing goals and achieving dreams imagined decades ago.
Senior Citizen “Proms”
You may not be able to turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again!
The month of May has been humming with excitement of the impending prom. No, I’m not necessarily talking about the junior/senior high school prom, but the senior citizen prom! These festive, romantic dances are no longer just for the senior getting ready to graduate and move on to college. Retirement communities in many areas are hosting proms for the local senior citizens. Why shouldn’t they?
Activities such as this are good for both the physical and mental health of the elderly. Even during the Golden Years it is important to maintain a fulfilling social life. Proms are perfect for encouraging new friendships as well as bringing different generations together. Many times the volunteers serving drinks and helping the physically limited seniors are actually high school students! Proms are no longer just a rite of passage for the young…the young at heart have the opportunity to experience this magical time once again.
Back to School
nyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
~Henry Ford
A lot of senior citizens never had the opportunity to go to college for one reason or another. Right out of high school they entered the workforce or got married without continuing their education. Many are picking up the school books and going to class in person and online. They have discovered since they are now retired that they have time to get their degree.
Not only are they showing amazing strength, but they are also encouraging younger generations at the same time. Going back to school can also revitalize the memory, rouse the cognitive ability, and allow for some great socializing. All of these are vital for improving your quality of life.
Healthy Living
You must keep active, or you will just wither away. Always be involved in some activity.
~Miriam Henson
Many people in their 70’s and 80’s are adopting a healthy lifestyle. They are eating clean and exercising regularly. Some are eating vegan and look incredibly young. Fitness has become important and for many, the 70’s and 80’s can possibly be considered the new 50’s!
Working out and lifting weights tones elderly bodies just as it does for the younger generations. Physical activities such as skateboarding and sky-diving aren’t off limits to this age group. One of the most amazing and inspiring senior has to be 104 year old Robert Marchand. He continually gets on his bike and races! He holds the speed record for people his age, riding 100km in 4 hours 17 minutes 27 seconds. Pretty impressive.
My Inspiration
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.
~Muhammad Ali
Another inspiring person that has reached the Golden Years happens to be someone I know personally, my Mom. She has had a pretty tough go at things, suffering burns from a house fire in her late 30’s, moving around the country multiple times, and raising two daughters on her own.
In spite of many surgeries and medical issues, she still has the gumption to keep living life to the fullest. She will be 70 this year, and nothing seems to keep her down. She travels to multiple states to visit friends, family, and places she used to dream about. She loves to tend to her garden, growing beautiful fruits and veggies that we all reap the benefits of. None of this sounds extraordinary to begin with, but when you take into consideration her history it’s pretty astounding. I hope to be as active and full of life when I reach her age.
Do you know seniors who amaze you? Let us know!
Valerie, blogger
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