Enjoying the Single Life and Meals for One
There has been quite a bit of recent attention devoted to the benefits of living alone (remember, being alone is NOT the same as being lonely). Studies now reveal that one in four households in America contain only a single individual and in Manhattan that ratio jumps to one in two.
This growing popularity in living alone is borne out by the arrival of books (Eric Klinenberg’s Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone) and websites (quirkyalone.net) devoted to this growing trend. And one area that receives a great deal of attention among aloneists (made up word) is eating and the joylessness of preparing meals for one.
Yes, while living alone you can pretty much do as you please without having to worry about pleasing anyone. Vacuum naked? Have at it. Endlessly practice your beat box technique? Knock yourself out. Hold conversations with yourself? You and yourself will be the only ones who know.
But spend time grocery shopping, preparing, and cooking meals for just one? Most singles usually avoid this like a Zika carrying mosquito. Most people prepare meals with others in mind, usually friends and/or family and cooking for one every night loses its appeal quickly. As a result, aloneists usually aren’t the healthiest eaters as they opt for quick and convenient processed food over healthy and vibrant fresh meats and produce.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…you can eat delicious and healthy meals, every night of the week if you like, without any prep work what-so-ever with the help of MagicKitchen.com. MagicKitchen.com has a whole category devoted to what we like to refer to as “Meals for One.”
Within that category (go ahead, explore it at your leisure) there are eight meal bundles with six options to choose from that get delivered to your door, apartment or otherwise, flash-frozen and ready to be enjoyed after just a few minutes in the microwave (which you can operate in a thong, if you so desire, without the fear of offending anyone since you live alone).
So to sum up, if you’re alone and loving it, but refuse to spend your valuable alone time preparing and cooking meals for you and you alone, then check out our meals for one bundles. You can do so while standing on your head and singing your favorite show tunes because, you know, there’s no one there to tell you that’s weird.
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