Quit Messin’ Around: How to Eat Healthier in 2017
Yes, devoted reader, it’s time to set yourself up for failure once again by making a non-specific (eat healthier) and unattainable (cut out ALL junk food) New Year’s resolution. Those two reasons, setting broad and impossible to achieve goals, are why 92% of all resolutions made are doomed to failure.
Look, a resolution is nothing more than a goal and we (or someone else…think boss or significant other) set goals for ourselves all the time, either in our professional or private lives. And the rules for goal-setting also apply to end-of-year resolution-setting, and they are: make your goal/resolution as specific as possible and make it attainable. Therefore, let’s combine those two rules with your vague resolution to eat better in 2017.
Rule number one: make your “eating better” resolution as specific as possible. Instead of “I resolve (sounds like you’re on the floor of the Senate) to eat better in 2017,” resolve to “eat five helpings of fruits and vegetables most days of the week…that would be four or more for the numerically challenged out there like your esteemed author. Why only “most” days of the week? DUH!…remember rule number two…make your goal achievable.
Or how about printing a list of healthy “superfoods” you’ve never eaten and resolving to try at least one item on that list every week of 2017? Better yet, turn it into a checklist, then, check each item off and make a few notes about that item, such as “If anyone is trying to torture me for information, just threaten me with Brussels sprouts and I’ll tell them everything.”
Ok, last example of a specific goal: “I resolve to eat at least one meal per day that contains

no processed foods.” Like a meal comprised of roast chicken and potatoes with a side of green beans. In fact, we here at MagicKitchen offer a number of meals that fit this category in our portion controlled and signature meals sections. It’s a great way to keep your resolution as we do most of the work, all that’s required of you is to heat and enjoy!
Rule number two: make your goal achievable, but not too easily achievable, there must be an element of resolve (hence the term “resolution”) and sacrifice involved. Please don’t resolve to adopt a diet of nothing but kale, honey and quinoa for all of 2017. My guess is that you’re going to fall off the wagon with that resolution. How about, “I resolve to
substitute either kale, honey, or quinoa for an unhealthy item I usually eat at least every other day. Or if you can’t stand kale, (which is perfectly understandable), try one of these new superfoods for 2017. And then track each time you make that substitution on a calendar.
Here are a few other tips to help you achieve your specific resolution that involves eating healthier in 2017:
- Take a grocery list to the supermarket and stick to it.
- Choose fresh or frozen food over canned.
Spinach-Mushroom Lasagna with Green Beans from MagicKitchen.com Plan ahead by making menus and, as with the rule above, stick to them!
- Don’t drink your calories…stay away from the sugary drinks.
- Patrol the edges of your grocery store where the fresh produce, meats, dairy and whole grains are located.
- Try out MagicKitchen.com complete meals for a change of pace. No rules, no sign-ups, no commitments required, try one or many.
- Eat a lot of different colors when it comes to fruits and vegetables.
- Replace dessert with fruit or at least add fruit to your dessert.
- Accept the fact that you’re going to backslide a few times during the year…get over it and then get back on the horse or wagon or both. I’m not sure which.
- Publicize your resolution to all who are willing to listen and tell them to nag you throughout the year. Also, write it down and stick it to both the doors of your fridge and pantry.
- Finally, remember that doing something towards attaining or keeping your resolution is better than quitting and doing nothing…little steps matter!
So, good luck as you resolve to eat healthier in 2017 and remember to follow the two main rules (and various tips) and perhaps you’ll be part of the 8% that successfully stick to their resolutions through the entire year. May your New Year be a healthy and happy one!
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