The Latest Craze in Food Delivery: Bundles

I’m sure you’ve seen those insurance commercials with the woman in the white smock whose name is VERY similar to “Flow.”  In some of those commercials, the be-smocked woman discussed how you can bundle your home, motorcycle, boat, ATV, auto and private jet (we can dream, can’t we?) insurance for the sake of convenience.  Well, it turns out you can do the same here at with the meals you order, although I admit that it might not qualify as a craze, as mentioned in the title of this post.

Meal bundles at are groups of individual meal components that are co

mbined (or “bundled”) together.  The joy of the bundle is that we have pre-selected the individual entrées, sides, soups and desserts from our al a carte menu and you can order them as single meals or in groups of 4, 7, or 8 depending on the bundle you select.  We also have themed meal bundles, such as kid friendly and gourmet meals just to name a few.  And finally, we also have soup and dessert bundles as well.

The convenience of the meal bundle is that you save a great deal of time by not shopping for individual components for each meal separately.  Our chefs use their “chefly” judgment and knowledge to match the entrée, side and dessert together much in the same way a sommelier (fancy word for wine expert) matches your wine with your dinner.  Also, since you can order up to 8 meal bundles at a time, you’ll have enough meals to get you through the week.

We offer a variety of individual meal bundles including beef wellington, chicken Ana Luísa, chicken parmigiana and crab cakes.  These are designed for all the busy singles out there who do not have the time and/or inclination to cook after coming home from a long day at work.

We also offer a nice selection of themed meal bundles that include comfort food, customer favorites, dairy free, homestyle, meat lover’s, senior meals, top rated meals and vegetarian.  There has just got to be a favorite of yours in that list. also offers two soup bundles (called soup for the soul), a mini version that includes 5 different soups and the regular bundle that delivers 8 home-made soups to your door (both come with bread, btw).  As for our dessert bundles, we offer you two, a “sweet dreams” and “sweets for the sweet” bundles, both are perfect for any celebratory get-together, from a baby shower to a grad party.

So, why not save yourself some time (remember the words of advice from my last post about time being your most valuable commodity) and effort by trying one of our meal bundles today?    You do want to be on the leading edge of the latest craze, do you not?

If you’d like to peruse our entire list of meal bundles, in detail, do so here: