Ten Ways to Get Your Body Summer-Ready

No, this is not a blog post about how to attain a “bikini” (or speedo) body by June 21, the first official day of summer. For most of us, that ship has sailed, as they say.
No bikinis (or speedos) for us, unless you plan on a European summer vacation…even octogenarians wear speedos over there. Why is that? Cultural differences, I suppose. But, as usual, I digress. Below are ten tips to assist you in getting your body ready for the summer months, just not “ready” to fit into a bikini.
- Try on clothes from last summer. Including your bathing suit. I list this tip first for a reason. A lot of things may have happened to your body over the past fall, winter, and spring that you were unaware of, slight to moderate weight gain being one of them. This gives you the opportunity to make some slight to moderate changes to your lifestyle in order to look the way you desire this summer.
- Increase your activity level. If, like many, your cabana-wear is a little tight around the mid-section or you notice an anatomical problem area that wasn’t a problem last summer, then it’s time to get to work in a reasonable manner. You don’t have time for a major overhaul, but you can target those problem areas with the proper exercises. Think yoga, hiking, dancing and moderate weightlifting. Just be careful and don’t do too much activity too soon.
- Eat right, eat light. Look, I never claimed to be a poet. Of course, this tip is tied to the previous two. It’s summer, and that means fresh fruits and veggies are more readily available and less expensive, so eat more of them and decrease your intake of sugary, processed carbohydrates, like bread, chips and fast food.
- Trim the hedges. And I’m not referring to the ones in your yard, but the ones on your body that you noticed while trying on that new bathing suit. Choose the hair removal method that suits you, including shaving, waxing, plucking (ouch), threading, or sugaring. This includes you too, gentlemen. Manscaping benefits everyone.
- Get enough sleep. Just because there’s more hours of daylight during the summer, ensure you still get seven to nine hours sleep each night. For reasons scientists still don’t fully understand, those who get sufficient sleep tend to eat less and lead healthier lifestyles.
- Tend to that newly exposed skin. Over the winter months you might have let your skin care regime lapse. Get that regime going again beginning with a good exfoliation session. Then, ensure your skin gets the moisturization it requires. Finally, to keep that skin looking good, avoid too much sun exposure by using sunscreen, large-brimmed hats and spending time in the shade.Cartoon thanks to: http://rebloggy.com/post/drawing-comic-original-comics-webcomic-comic-strip-beachbody-diaemyung/117453059359
- Start a garden. Kill two proverbial birds with one stone here. You’ll be able to grow healthy, organic veggies to eat and you’ll burn calories while doing so. Just be sure to hoe your own rows and pull your own weeds…there’s an inappropriate joke in that previous sentence for sure.
- Don’t go it alone. Coax, beg, bribe or extort friends and/or family members to join you in this endeavor to get ready for summer. Study after study shows that those who make lifestyle changes with others have a higher success rate. It has everything to do with group motivation I’m told.
- Book the right vacation spot. Preferably a place with a beach where you’ll be “forced” to wear skimpy (for you) clothing. Then, post pictures of that beach in key places around your home, like the front of your fridge and use it for motivation so lose a few pounds and tone up.
- Lighten up. And I don’t mean by losing weight. Make a pact with someone…you’re significant other or even yourself, to have fun this summer and not to take the whole damn thing so seriously. Unplug from social media and spend some time with friends and family doing what you want.
Enjoy your summer months. They’ll be gone before you know it. Perhaps to get ready for summer I’ll stop using mindless clichés in my writing.
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