How to Set up a Meal Plan for Seniors

Yeah, I know, the holidays are almost upon us and the last thing you want to think about is meal planning for the elderly person(s) in your life. But you know you worry about whether your elderly parents or grandparents are eating enough and/or if they’re eating properly. Well, the folks here at can help take that worry out of your life and, more importantly, improve the well-being of your senior family members in the process.
The process for creating a senior meal plan is simple, straight forward, affordable and entirely under your control in terms of the number and types of meals you would like delivered. If you desire, you can have as many as three meals delivered for every day or decide that the meal recipient only needs several meals per week. It’s entirely up to you…and the recipient, of course.
As for the cost, if you set up a recurring meal plan, the meals are offered to you at a discounted rate of $11-$12 per meal depending on the specific meals selected. So, if you decided to purchase three meals per day…let’s see, that’s 21 meals per week…carry the 3…that works out to $225-$250 per week for every meal of every day. And remember, those meals are made to order, prepared and cooked by our chefs, flash
frozen and then delivered straight to your parent’s door. What would it cost you to purchase those same meals from a local restaurant and have them delivered or to travel to the local grocery store, purchase all the ingredients and then prepare and cook them? Yeah, probably more.
Yet another added benefit is that you can order your meal plan for the elderly in your life with their dietary restrictions in mind. Whether they require low cholesterol, diabetic, low sodium, gluten free, or dialysis friendly meals, we’ve got you covered. Other dietary concerns we can address are dairy free, portion controlled, low fat, low carb, and vegetarian. Let’s see a restaurant or grocery store do that.
As for your involvement in the meal selection process, you can have as much or as little as you like. Obviously, if the senior in your life has dietary restrictions, your choices are somewhat limited. However, if there are no dietary restrictions, the sky’s the limit…OK our ginormous menu is your only limiting factor. You can order entire meals that include entrée, sides and dessert or you can use our a la carte menu to only select your favorites. Or you can permit us to choose the meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) within the guidelines you set.
Finally, you can choose our “auto ship” option to have the meals delivered weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on what works best for you and the senior receiving the meals. Oh yeah, almost forgot…there’s no binding contract to sign. Simply order the meals as needed or have them auto shipped secure in the knowledge that you can cancel at any time.
See, meal planning for the elderly in your life does not have to be a complicated process. We here at make it as streamlined as possible and allow you to have as much or as little involvement as you would like. Get started here: and here:
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