12 Super-foods for Women

OK ladies, this one’s for you. Yes, I’ve written plenty of posts about super-foods, but this one is specifically for those of the female persuasion, the fairer sex, those of you from Venus (and resemble her as well), those made with sugar and spice and everything nice, and the humans out there lucky enough to have a pair of XX chromosomes.
I won’t get into the details about what separates females from males. We’ve all suffered through middle school health class. Suffice it to say we each have different “equipment” and hormone levels and female “equipment” can benefit from specific nutrients. Those specific nutrients are contained in the following 12 super-foods…
- Dark, leafy greens like kale, collard greens and broccoli. They’re full of phytoestrogens which help maintain hormonal balance. They also contain folate which aids neural tube development of an embryo in pregnant women. Lastly, they also provide you with antioxidants that can protect your skin and eyes from age-related and environmental damage.
- Greek yogurt due to its high calcium content which helps stave off osteoporosis. Low-fat Greek yogurt, aside from having fewer calories than traditional yogurt, also contains live active cultures and probiotics which assists with digestion and prevents gas and bloating…in other words, it promotes good gut health.
- Dark chocolate in moderation, of course. Let’s see, dark chocolate contains all the following: antioxidants, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. These nutrients support blood vessel, cell, nerve, and bone health and help control blood pressure.
- Bison or buffalo if you prefer. This lean, low-fat meat is chock full of iron and iron is required to avoid anemia or low iron levels in the blood. Your red blood cells require iron in order to produce hemoglobin which is used to carry oxygen throughout your body. This leaves you feeling tired and short of breath even in everyday situations.
- Beans were shown in a Harvard study that took place over 8 years and followed over 90,000 women who ate beans or lentils twice per week or more. Compared to those who did not eat beans, the bean-eating women (for lack of a better term) decreased their chance of contracting breast cancer by 34% due to beans’ plant-based chemical, phytosterols and their high fiber content.
- Papaya and other tropical-based fruits which have been shown to reduce incidents of gallbladder disease which affects twice as many women as men. It is thought this is due to papaya’s high vitamin C content.
- Tomatoes for their high vitamin A content which assists with skin health. Vitamin A promotes a healthy complexion, controls acne, wrinkles and lines (think crow’s feet). They also contain an antioxidant called lycopene which promotes immune system health, protects eyes from light damage and as been shown to fight breast cancer and heart disease.
- Berries to include blue, straw, and rasp. They possess antioxidants, known as anthocyanins which support brain health and help prevent certain cancers.
- Flaxseed contains lignans which are similar to estrogen and they have shown promise in preventing breast cancer and slowing tumor growth. Be sure to use actual flaxseed rather than flaxseed oil as the oil does not possess lignans. Grind up some flaxseed and sprinkle it on your breakfast cereal.
- Salmon and other fatty fish like sardines, mackerel, and herring. Their omega-3 fatty acids moderate inflammation and promote brain health and their vitamin D helps prevent breast, colon and ovarian cancers.
- Shrimp contain and antioxidant called astaxanthin (which is responsible for their pink coloration) that combats Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, high cholesterol and fights heart disease.
There you have it, ladies. Twelve superfoods that should be eaten on a regular basis to support your overall health…just don’t forget some regular exercise as well.
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