Are Your Elderly Parents Eating Properly?

That can be a difficult question to answer, especially if you’re geographically removed from one another. However, as your parents age, it’s a question that needs to be answered on a regular basis; more than once a year, at a minimum. Simply asking them, “mom (and/or dad) are you eating right?” usually isn’t good enough. If you suspect that your parents are not eating properly, they almost always leave clues, knowingly or otherwise. You just need to know what to look for. Below are a few of those clues:
- Sudden weight loss/gain and if they’re older, it’s almost always sudden weight loss. One thing to look for is ill-fitting clothes that used to fit fine. This weight loss can have a variety of causes such as dental issues, the effect medications have on appetite and taste, depression, stress, loneliness, and/or the inability or unwillingness to cook. Whatever the underlying issue, recognizing that weight loss is an issue is the first step. Addressing the causes is the next step and requires some patience and understanding on your part.
- Increased illnesses. Yes, as we get older out immune system becomes more easily compromised, but if your parent(s) were normally healthy, and now they seem sick (and remember, an illness is different than a chronic disease, like diabetes) every time you visit, that’s usually a sign they aren’t getting the nutrition they need.
- Little food in the house if they’re still living independently. If the cupboards are bare when they’re normally well stocked, this is a sure warning sign that your parents are not concerned about their nutrition. It could also be a sign that, rather than not eating, they’re frequenting the local fast food joints or utilizing Grub Hub for food delivery.
- Sudden, decreased energy levels. Again, as we age our energy levels tend to decrease. This is to be expected. However, this decrease in energy levels is almost always a gradual process, like aging itself. If, on the other hand, you notice excessive, sudden lethargy in your normally active parents, this is also a sign that their nutritional needs are not being met.
- Can’t remember when they last ate. This could be a simple memory loss issues, or it could signify apathy towards eating. In other words, your parent(s) do not care about eating for whatever reason…but it is usually linked to depression, especially if they recently lost a loved one.
Kitchen full of solely unhealthy, processed foods. This is a sure warning sign, especially if your parents usually cook their meals. This could signify that they’re now unable or unwilling to shop for, prepare, and cook their own meals.
Obviously, the reasons for any or all the above clues will require some research on your part. Once you’ve determined that your parents are not eating properly, the glaring question becomes, why are they not eating properly? The answer to this question could be as simple as a medication that has loss of appetite as a side effect or as complex as severe depression. Whatever the answer, it’s now up to you to get them eating properly again and perhaps a healthy food delivery service, like is part of that answer.
Sometimes, simply having the food available for your parents on a regular basis is half the battle. We can assist you in that endeavor by offering healthy and delicious meals that will arrive at your parent’s door as often as you (and they) like. You can check out our meal programs here. We also offer meals for a variety of nutritional needs, such as low fat, sodium and carb meals, as well as senior diet meals.
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