Health Tips for the Men in your Life

Yes, some of the following health tips can be applied to women as well, such as eating well, exercising and ending unhealthy habits. However, men tend to be more reluctant to incorporate this advice into their lives. Is this due to feelings of invulnerability and hyper-masculinity or an underlying fear? I’ll let you be the judge of that. Regardless, men usually need some, shall we say, motivation to take better care of themselves, and that’s where you come in. I’m trying to think of a synonym for “nagging” here…let’s go with “persuading.” As in, “Persuading your man to adopt several of the following health tips will increase his quality of life.”
- Get him to visit a doctor on a regular basis and not just for a “check up.” This tip may be the one that requires the most “persuading” on your part as most men are notoriously reluctant to go near anyone in a white lab coat. This visit should include various tests and screenings based on his age, weight, apparent health issues and family history. These visits should eventually include cancer screenings (especially colorectal and skin), cholesterol tests, prostrate exam, and heart screening. You may also want to persuade him to visit an ophthalmologist for a glaucoma screening and to check for macular degeneration.
- Eat less food from boxes, plastic packaging and cans. In other words, less processed foods and more “natural” ones such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, fiber, seafood and meats…but try to get him to limit his intake of red meat. No matter who does the grocery shopping, spend most of your time along the perimeter of the store where most of the fresh produce, seafoods and meats are located.
- Get him moving more. At least three hours of aerobic activity every week, supplemented with two sessions of weight-bearing activity. Aerobic activity can include jogging, walking, swimming, spinning (stationary bike, like that annoying Peloton thing), dancing, Zumba or other aerobics classes. As for weight-bearing activity, they include traditional weightlifting, yoga, resistance bands, or simply using your body weight as resistance as in push-ups, squats, or planks. The reasons for this tip? For weight control, heart health and to prevent muscle loss.
- Protect the skin he’s in to prevent various forms of skin cancer, especially melanoma. Get him in the shade, wearing protective clothing and/or slathered in 30 SPF or higher sunscreen. Also, keep him out of the tanning bed. Look, melanoma is no joke and I think you’d much rather have a pale man in your life for a long time than a tanned one for less.
- Persuade him to end his unhealthy habits. You may need professional help for this one. Getting anyone to quit junk/fast food, smoking, drinking to excess, or recreational drug use is a daunting and complex task that usually requires outside assistance. If you need help, seek it.
- Convince him to take a baby aspirin a day. Even if he doesn’t act like a baby. A daily baby aspirin has been shown to reduce the risk of clots forming, especially in the arteries that feed the heart and brain. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Persuade him to practice some form of relaxation technique in order to reduce his stress level. Yes, there are other forms of relaxation aside from meditation (although, that’s a good one). He might enjoy yoga, tai chi, body scan or guided imagery. Studies have shown that only a few minutes of relaxation a day can reduce stress levels.
One way you might be able to persuade the man/men in your life to adopt some of these health tips is to undertake them with him. Exercise, eat better, meditate and/or visit health care professionals together…just a thought.
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