Month: February 2020

Take it Slow: The Benefits of Slow Eating

Take it Slow: The Benefits of Slow Eating

I’m guessing you’re familiar with the old saying, “eat, drink and be merry.”  I think we need a 21st century update along the lines of “eat (slowly), drink (water), and be (more) merry.”  Perhaps the easiest thing one can do to lose or maintain weight 

Shrove Tuesday is Coming…Don’t Forget to Eat Your Pancakes

Shrove Tuesday is Coming…Don’t Forget to Eat Your Pancakes

As we all know, religious holidays or observances are celebrated or honored different ways in different countries and/or across faiths and those associated with Lent and Easter are no different.  Shrove Tuesday, the day prior to Ash Wednesday, has two nicknames depending upon where you’re 

Top Ten Health and Wellness Trends for 2020

Top Ten Health and Wellness Trends for 2020

Just a short intro here as I don’t want this post to be excessively long…It seems we’re at a crossroad here with health and wellness, a dichotomy, if you will.  I noticed these trends can be divided into two categories, those that incorporate technology and 

The Benefits of Eating at Home

The Benefits of Eating at Home

The benefits of eating at home are myriad as shown in study after study.  Yet, less than 1/3 of American families sit down for meals more than twice per week and almost half of adults eat their meals alone, a screen and/or work desk usually