How to Make this Summer Your Healthiest Ever

As we all know, summer can be a relaxing and hectic season simultaneously. There are calm evenings spent on the back deck enjoying the company of friends and family while enjoying a well-earned beverage, while there are also days filled with travel, sight-seeing, planning, youth sports, yard work, and yes, even job-related work. With all that is going on in your life this summer, it is easy to deviate from your normal, healthy routine. I said “easy,” not “inevitable.” With a bit of willpower, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and make this summer your healthiest one ever.
As I have written over and over again in this blog, the foundation of a healthy lifestyle is exercise and healthy eating. These two things, practiced on a long-term, regular basis will improve cardiovascular health, maintain an ideal weight, stave off type two diabetes, certain cancers, and other diseases. Taken as a whole, regular, consistent exercise and a healthy diet increase your life expectancy. Keep that in mind this summer as you follow these simple tips…
- Be active most days of the week. That’s four days out of seven for the mathematically challenged like me out there. Since it is summer, get your outdoor exercise in during the early morning or evening hours and even then, try to incorporate shade or water into your workout. For example, instead of walking through the neighborhood, visit a local forest and go for a hike or nearby body of water and go for a swim. If you’re on vacation, use the opportunity to explore new places on foot or in a canoe or kayak. As always, be sure to stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty. Finally, know your limitations be they based on age or fitness level and do not over-exert yourself. You should finish your workout wanting more but save it for tomorrow.
- Don’t destroy your diet with fast food, BBQ, potato/macaroni salad, ice cream, sports/energy drinks and alcohol among other things. As much as possible this summer, follow the straight and narrow diet path that includes fruits, vegetables and lean protein no matter how busy your schedule or where you roam. Take advantage of your local farmer’s markets to get fresh veggies and fruit and do not be afraid to try something new. Also, while at that farmer’s market or produce section, purchase a lot of blues, reds, greens, oranges, and purples in the form of berries, melons, peppers, leafy greens, eggplants and carrots. Each one of these colorful fruits and veggies contain valuable antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that your body needs.
- Avoid the sun the vast majority of the time or apply liberal amounts of a high SPF sunscreen if you cannot. Yes, sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D in our bodies, but we only need about 10-15 minutes of exposure three times per week to get the required amount. Wear light weight, light colored, and loose-fitting clothing and a wide-brimmed hat, especially if you are follically challenged, aka bald. Also, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s UVA rays.
- Get enough sleep despite the fact that the daylight hours are extended during the summer months. And by “enough,” it is generally accepted that adults require 7-9 hours per night. Study after study reveals that sufficient sleep reduces stress, improves memory and concentration, lowers blood pressure, improves your immune system, helps maintain weight, improves mood, promotes heart health and increases energy level. With all that going for it, why fight it? Get to bed early and improve your health. The connection is not open for debate.
Get regular exercise, eat healthy, avoid the sun and get enough sleep; that’s not too much to ask, is it? With a bit of willpower and some help from friends and family, you (and they) can do this! The only obstacle to having your healthiest summer ever is you. Make the commitment and you will achieve this goal. Now, go for a hike in the woods to avoid the sun, eat a healthy meal and get to bed early.
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