Month: November 2020

How to Snack Healthy During the Holidays

How to Snack Healthy During the Holidays

The snacking temptations during the holidays are myriad, even if you’re not attending parties or family gatherings this season. It seems for six seeks or so, from Thanksgiving through the New Year, we (and others) love to test our resolve and to blow up ten 

Telehealth: Dr. Zoom Will See You Now.

Telehealth: Dr. Zoom Will See You Now.

Let’s begin by defining the key term of this post, telehealth, which is the use of communication technologies to provide health care from a distance. And by defining the secondary term, Zoom, which is a video-conferencing software app that has become wildly popular in our 

November is (Pre)Diabetes Awareness Month

November is (Pre)Diabetes Awareness Month

The American Diabetes Association actually refers to November as “just” Diabetes Awareness Month. However, I decided, in my omnipotence, to focus on prediabetes as one is still able to revert back to no-diabetes status with a little commitment and hard work. In other words, being 

Hold That Line: How to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays

Hold That Line: How to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays

While the weight an average person gains during the six-week period between Thanksgiving and New Year is not that great (numerous studies place it at about a pound), that pound usually stays with us. This phenomenon is referred to as “weight creep,” where-by we gradually