10 Fast and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

We’ve all been there before; you hit the snooze button one too many times, the dog needs fed and walked (and you’re out of poop bags), and you need to fix your face and dress the top half of your body for a Zoom meeting that starts in 20 minutes. Then your significant other reminds you not to forget about breakfast…breakfast? Who the hell has time for breakfast? You do, that’s who, because you read this post and are prepared for this hectic, harried and hurried morning (alliteration is a wonderful thing).
Overnight oats are awesome because you can prepare them the night before and anything you can prepare ahead of time obviously saves time in the morning. Oats are chock full of omega-3s, protein, fiber and iron. Add your favorite fruit and you’ve got the perfect start to your day. Here’s a great recipe.
Toast, avocado and an egg, three ingredients that compose a fast and healthy breakfast. Step 1: toast a piece of bread. Step 2: peel and pit an avocado. Step 3: fry (over hard) or poach an egg. Step 4: spread avocado on the toast. Step 5: top with the egg. Step 6: enjoy and get to that Zoom meeting. Check it out here.
Smoothies are the friend of the hectic, harried and hurried especially when they’re made ahead of time and kept in the fridge or freezer for busy mornings. Here’s a recipe and another and another.
MagicKitchen certainly can help with our prepared breakfasts that arrive at your door and can be stored in your freezer until needed. Simply grab your favorite, toss it in the magical microwave machine and voila, a hot, nutritious breakfast in minutes. Check out our selection here.
Frozen breakfast sandwiches are the perfect one-handed breakfast, and have I mentioned that anything prepared ahead saves valuable time, especially after you realize you need to run your kid’s trumpet to the school. Here are a variety of breakfast sandwiches that don’t have “Mc” as a prefix.
A Breakfast (rather than lunch) box is perfect for breakfast on-the-go. If you know you’ve got to get on the road early the next morning, prepare your breakfast box the night before and then grab it from the fridge as you dash out the door 10 minutes late as usual. Here’s some ideas about what to put in your breakfast box and you don’t necessarily need the recommended container. You can simply make your own.
Healthy, no-bake breakfast cookies do exist, unlike healthy ice cream or chocolate mousse. Best of all, aside from the necessary ingredients, there are plenty of personalized options you can add. These are also great for non-breakfast snacks. Check them out here.
Breakfast casseroles are perfect for hurried families, can be personalized and cooked ahead of time. They can also be frozen for next week or next month for that matter. Here’s one casserole option and here’s another.
Muffins are a breakfast staple and here are a variety of healthy muffin recipes from spinach and Prosciutto frittata muffins to pumpkin muffins. As usual, it helps to bake them the night before in order to throw them at your family members as they run out the door.
A Breakfast banana split is a whole lot easier to prepare than it sounds. The ingredients? A banana, your favorite berries, some yogurt and granola. Just for kicks and giggles, I decided to take a break and prepare this in the middle of writing this post. It took me three minutes and 22 seconds from start to finish. I would have been faster, but it took me a full minute to find a granola bar in my pig sty of a pantry to crush for the topping. Here’s the official recipe.
So, after reading these ideas I do not want to hear you say, “I just didn’t have time for breakfast this morning.” ever again.
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