10 Things to Do with the Time You Save By Using MagicKitchen.com

Yes, cooking can be an enjoyable and stress-relieving endeavor. Giving of your time and energy to plan and prepare a meal for those you love is therapeutic indeed. However, there are times when this is impossible in our harried and hectic lives.
There are times when we’re just too busy to plan and prepare a meal and there are also times when we would rather spend our time doing something else, something family-related or something you-related. And as you all know, MagicKitchen.com can give you some free time with our fully prepared meals that are delivered right to your door. With that in mind, here are 10 things you can do with the time saved by utilizing MagicKitchen.com…
- Get outside. Go for a walk with your significant other or other family member, work in the garden, chat up the neighbors, throw a ball with your dog, go to a little league game, or just read a book on the deck.
- Spend time with friends and/or family. Play a board or card game, watch the ball game on TV with your son or grandson, braid your daughter’s or granddaughter’s hair, go through the family album, or peruse the com menu in search of more time-saving meals.
- Watch an old movie or new one for that matter. Watch superheroes beat up the baddies with the kids, be amazed at Audrey Hepburn’s grace and elegance, laugh at any move starring Will Ferrell, or watch that greatest movie ever made (Citizen Kane) and try to figure out what “Rosebud” means before it ends.
- Visit a spa and get that mannie/peddie you’ve been putting off, get a much-needed massage, enjoy some aroma therapy, soak in some warm mud or do it all.
- Soak in the tub. Get the water to your perfect temperature, add your favorite bubble bath, light some candles, put on some relaxing music, don’t forget the towel-pillow, and just soak your cares away knowing you don’t have to prepare dinner.
- Watch silly cat videos on YouTube or dog videos if you prefer. You’ll be amazed how many pet videos there are on YouTube and most of them make you smile or get your mind off more serious matters at a minimum.
- Exercise your mind. Complete a crossword or sudoku, work on a jigsaw puzzle, write something like a sonnet, poem, rap song or short story, play a game of solitaire or chess, or download a brain games app, like Luminosity or Mind Games and start exercising that brain of yours.
- Do some online shopping. Go find that blouse, shorts, or shoes you’ve been searching for, see what Ebay has to offer, send a friend something to let him/her know you’re thinking about them, or start your Christmas shopping early.
- Clean the house, scratch that, think about cleaning the house then play some mindless online game like Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Angry Birds or Plants vs. Zombies.
- Find some delicious sounding online recipes you’d like to make once you decide to cook for friends and family again and you might want to focus on desserts. Here’s a great place to start.
Time is a priceless commodity as no one has ever figured out a way to produce more. Since your time is so valuable, take advantage when you find yourself with a few minutes to spare by not having to cook dinner to do something enjoyable. Just remember to not think of it as “wasting” time and try to avoid the associated guilt.
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