Meal Plans, Weight Loss and Longevity

“For the obese and very overweight, losing weight will improve overall health.” This is far from a revelation. The vast majority of us know this, yet obesity rates in the United States remains extremely high. Roughly 33% of the adult population in America is considered obese.
Numerous studies link obesity to a shortened life span, even when controlling for genetics and lifestyle choices, such as smoking. The reason for this reduced longevity for obese people is due to the various detrimental health conditions linked to obesity, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and certain forms of cancer. This link is especially acute for those who become obese at an early age and remain so well into adulthood. That being the case, losing weight is crucial for these individuals, and a meal plan might be the means to achieving this life-extending goal.
One study on obesity and longevity published in the New England Journal of Medicine studied one million individuals, with the average age of 57, for 14 years and found that the more overweight you are, the higher your risk of death. This study also found that the heaviest individuals had a 40%-80% higher risk of dying from cancer compared to those of normal weight.
It also found that the heaviest men were three times more likely to die from heart disease when compared to men of normal weight. Another study from the Scotland’s University of Edinburgh, which studied over 600,000 people, found that, among the obese, for every kilo (2.2 pounds) of weight lost, those individuals could expect to add two months to their lives. Get it? If you’re obese, losing weight adds years to your life, the link is clear.
One potential method to lose that weight that can extend lives is through an effective weight-loss meal plan like those offered here at Of course, physical activity should be paired with any meal plan. However, if, for whatever reason, physical activity cannot be incorporated, strictly adhering to a weight-loss meal plan can still help people lose the weight.
And the “strictly adhering to” cannot be stressed enough. It does the overweight no good to sign up and pay for a meal plan only to supplement it with unhealthy foods. Will power is a beautiful thing, as well as a necessity.
Our meal plans, here at, can be tailored to your individual taste and/or health needs. We offer meal plans, obviously, for those seeking to lose weight, but also for those with diabetes, on dialysis, dairy and gluten free, and for those looking to avoid sodium and/or carbs and for vegetarians. We’ll customize a meal plan to meet your dietary needs, whatever they may be, to include portion controlled and low-fat meals.
Our in-house chefs will then prepare and cook your meals to our exacting specifications. Your meals are then flash-frozen to lock in freshness, packaged and then sent straight to your door. You simply store them in your freezer and microwave or heat them in or on your stove at your convenience. Remember, in order to shed pounds and add years to your life, the more strictly you follow the meal plan, the better. If you need motivation, just think of the extra time you’ll have to spend with family and friends, enjoying a good meal while you reminisce about the days when you enjoyed a weight-loss meal plan and used it to lose all that weight.
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