“Healthy” Snacks that are Bad for You

The commercial world would have you believe that there are lots of healthy packaged foods out there. But be careful- many so-called “healthy” snacks are loaded with sodium or sugar, or both. Here are the ten most unhealthy “healthy” snacks.
- Granola– Looks healthy, tastes great, why not, right? But stop. Granola is often sweetened with sugar, or has chunks of dried fruit in it, or nuts. Now nuts and granola on their own are ok, but check the label. About 3/4 of a cup can cost you 210 calories.
Flavored Yogurts – Again, many have added sugar, and the low fat versions have thickeners and preservatives. You’re better off with Greek yogurt and a dollop of honey.
- Rice Cakes – C’mon, admit it, you’re secretly glad these aren’t healthy, right? Nobody likes these styrofoam-like nuggets of badness. They are carb-heavy, and nutrition-light. They can spike your blood sugar, without providing anything good for your body. Avoid them. You’re welcome.
- Veggie straws – You see these in the grocery store and think, “Yes! So much better for me than potato chips.” But they lack fiber, have no protein, and again taste quite a bit like styrofoam. Or as I imagine styrofoam would taste. I’ve never actually tried it.
- Dried Fruit – Have you ever dried your own fruit? If you have, you’ll realize that what we buy commercially is loaded with sugar. And calories. That gives it the soft texture and delicious taste.
Smoothies – Sorry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news on these, because they’re delicious and have good ingredients. But if you’re adding a lot of fruit, you’re doing two things: adding sugar and destroying the fiber in the fruit. You’re much better off munching on an apple.
- Fat Free Cheese – I’m delighted to bust this particular myth, as I’m a big cheese lover. Eat a small amount of one of the world’s 1800 delicious full-fat cheeses. Savor it. And toss that fat free “cheese” where it belongs, in the trash!
- Sports Drinks – Unless you’re as fit as Landon Donovan, sports drinks aren’t for you. They have electrolytes which athletes need to replace electrolytes lost in sweat. But they also have sugar, often as much as a soda. Stick to water to stay hydrated.
- Light Salad Dressings – Often manufacturers will add sugar, salt and fillers to make the dressing taste better. Very bad for you. You are better off with a olive oil and vinegar dressing with lots of fresh herbs.
Energy bars – One energy bar I looked at, out of 19 ingredients, 5 were a form of sugar or fat. organic brown rice syrup (Sugar), organic cane syrup (sugar), organic cane sugar, (SUGAR!), high oleic sunflower oil (fat), cocoa butter (fat) . Instead, reach for a bar with fewer ingredients and make sure you recognize them and can pronounce them. Like: nuts, raisins, seeds, honey or dark chocolate.
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