8 Proven Benefits of Meditation

There are actually nine primary types of meditation: mindfulness, spiritual, focused, movement, mantra, transcendental, progressive, love-kindness, and visualization. While each is slightly different and unique, they all tend to have the similar health benefits and those benefits are the topic of this week’s post.
In terms of figuring out which method works best for you, that depends on a few things, such as your needs, skill sets and experience. Also, choosing one that you feel comfortable with and passionate about helps ensure its continued use.
Remember, you do not have to restrict yourself to just one. Finally, if you’re new to meditation, here’s a great source to get you started, beginning with a short video about guided meditation.
So, if you were wondering about some of the benefits of meditation, here are a few…
Stress relief is usually the number one benefit cited by numerous web sites devoted to the topic. Stress causes the release of a hormone called cortisol which can be beneficial under the right circumstances, like when you’re faced with an angry pack of corgis.However, constant stress, such as job-related stress, can cause serious health issues, such as high blood pressure just to name one. Mindful meditationhas been shown to reduce the production of cortisol, especially when done properly and on a regular basis.
- Anxiety reduction, which is usually related to stress, but not always is another potential benefit. Meditation can help you control racing thoughts and feelings of impending doom. In general, meditation can lower both your heart and breathing rates and elicit feelings of calm and peace which are the polar opposites of feelings associated with anxiety.
- Improved memory is yet another benefit associated with meditation. Research has shown that meditation can increase grey matter within your brain which is critical for proper brain cognition. However, the study cited states that increased production of grey matter occurs after meditating for 30 minutes a day for eight weeks, so stick with it!
- Mood regulation has also been linked to regular meditation practices. In other words, meditation can help prevent mood swings and improve how you emotionally react to various situations throughout your day. It can help you control those unwanted emotions such as anger, frustration and sadness.
Improving the quality of sleep is something every person could use, and regular meditation can help you achieve it. Poor sleep quality is usually linked to a racing brain at bedtime due to events that occurred during the day. Meditation helps calm the brain and control all those racing thoughts which can lead to improved sleep quality and hours.
- Decreased hypertension has also been linked to regular meditationespecially when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Since high blood pressure is tied to various cardiovascular issues and afflicts billions of people worldwide, meditation can indeed be a lifesaver.
- Increased attention and focus can be added to our list of benefits as meditation calms the brain and body for a time which, in a sense, recharges both. This recharge also refreshes which allows for an improved and extended attention span and greater ability to focus.
- Create a better you through a better understanding of yourself and others is the last, but perhaps most important of our benefits linked to meditation. Through greater self-awareness and understanding of yourself you gain a new sense of compassion for others as you become aware that others are working through issues just as you are.There’s a saying out there about not being able to truly love others until you love yoursel, and regular meditation can start you down that sometimes long road of learning to love yourself. Another quote I personally use when I meditate and got me interested in meditation is attributed to the 18th century French philosopher, Denis Diderot, who simply said, “Know thyself.” Through meditation I have come to know myself much better which has greatly helped me in my relationships with others.
Meditation requires no special equipment or special skill set. It can be done just about anywhere at any time, yet so few people even give it a chance to improve their lives. The best advice I can give those considering the use of meditation is to find a few “meditation for beginners” videos out there and get started. No one will see and no one will judge. And please, give it some time. Like many other things in life, the more you practice the better you get.
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