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New Year’s Resolutions: It’s Not Too Late

New Year’s Resolutions: It’s Not Too Late

Well, January and February 2021 are in the books…wait, what? When did that happen? It happened while you were bingeing on Netflix and ignoring that resolution you made back at the start of the year. But do not despair, good reader, there is no rule 

The Amazing Avocado

The Amazing Avocado

Also known as an alligator pear (green, leathery and bumpy skin), the avocado, from a nutritional standpoint, us truly amazing. It is also quite versatile as it can be sliced, mashed, spread and, in oil form, used in cooking. They originated in South and Central 

10 Fast and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

10 Fast and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

We’ve all been there before; you hit the snooze button one too many times, the dog needs fed and walked (and you’re out of poop bags), and you need to fix your face and dress the top half of your body for a Zoom meeting 

Make Exercise Fun

Make Exercise Fun

Yeah, I get it, jogging or walking numerous loops around a high school track sucks. Riding a stationary bike to nowhere is as boring as watching endless episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. You’d rather eat slugs than throw weights around or do push-ups, 

Choose a Diet with Foods You Enjoy

Choose a Diet with Foods You Enjoy

As all of my readers know, I am not a fan of the term “diet” to describe a plan to lose weight and/or improve health. Diets imply something that is temporary, that once the desired pounds are shed or cholesterol level achieved, you revert back 

Forest Therapy: So Much More than Tree Hugging

Forest Therapy: So Much More than Tree Hugging

Yes, while engaged in forest therapy you might hug a tree, but you will also participate in so much more. Forest Therapy has its origins in Japan, where it is referred to as shinrin yoku (translation: forest bathing), in the early 1980s. It was a response 

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: Does it Work?

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: Does it Work?

The next big health, fitness and weight loss thing for 2021 is here and it’s called intermittent fasting. The simple definition of intermittent fasting is going a moderate amount of time without eating on a regular basis in order to coerce the body to burn 

The Key to Resolutions: Make them Achievable and Challenging

The Key to Resolutions: Make them Achievable and Challenging

Resolutions, goals, plans, aspirations, intentions, aims, designs, whatever you call them, they should all have two things in common; they should be challenging and capable of being achieved. It does me no good to set the following resolutions: “I will get my basketball skills on 

Stay Healthy this Winter…Here’s How

Stay Healthy this Winter…Here’s How

Needless to say (then why say it?), this winter is a bit different than any other. During the winter months we tend to become more sedentary and eat in a more unhealthy manner due to the holidays and being stuck inside. We also contract various 

Holiday Party Games: A Necessary Distraction

Holiday Party Games: A Necessary Distraction

If there was ever a time we needed a humorous distraction, this would be it. No matter if it is just you and the family this year (and I use the term “family” quite loosely. Your current family could include those in your care facility