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How to Bake with Less Sugar

How to Bake with Less Sugar

That’s an easy one, right? Just use less sugar in your recipe…next topic please. Wait, not so fast. Anyone who has ever baked before knows it’s not that simple. Sugar, of course, provides the flavor that makes sweets taste, well, sweet. What most non-bakers (like 

How to Snack Healthy During the Holidays

How to Snack Healthy During the Holidays

The snacking temptations during the holidays are myriad, even if you’re not attending parties or family gatherings this season. It seems for six seeks or so, from Thanksgiving through the New Year, we (and others) love to test our resolve and to blow up ten 

Telehealth: Dr. Zoom Will See You Now.

Telehealth: Dr. Zoom Will See You Now.

Let’s begin by defining the key term of this post, telehealth, which is the use of communication technologies to provide health care from a distance. And by defining the secondary term, Zoom, which is a video-conferencing software app that has become wildly popular in our 

November is (Pre)Diabetes Awareness Month

November is (Pre)Diabetes Awareness Month

The American Diabetes Association actually refers to November as “just” Diabetes Awareness Month. However, I decided, in my omnipotence, to focus on prediabetes as one is still able to revert back to no-diabetes status with a little commitment and hard work. In other words, being 

Hold That Line: How to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays

Hold That Line: How to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays

While the weight an average person gains during the six-week period between Thanksgiving and New Year is not that great (numerous studies place it at about a pound), that pound usually stays with us. This phenomenon is referred to as “weight creep,” where-by we gradually 

For Those with Type 2 Diabetes…a Healthy Lifestyle Matters

For Those with Type 2 Diabetes…a Healthy Lifestyle Matters

Way back in 2010, the American Heart Association created what it called “Life’s Simple 7” which was (and still is) seven risk factors people can improve through lifestyle changes to help attain better cardiovascular health. These seven factors were (and still are) physical activity, consumption 

Five Natural Sleep Aids

Five Natural Sleep Aids

“…to sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub…” While Hamlet was comparing sleep to death in his famous soliloquy, many interpret this line to mean how difficult it sometimes can be to get a good night’s sleep, complete with sweet dreams. We’ve all experienced 

The Role Hunger Plays in Our Diets

The Role Hunger Plays in Our Diets

For the past several years, the term “hangry” (a combination of hungry and angry) has been all the rage on social media and commercials. And while hangry is a contrived term, there is a reason for it being coined. In case you have not noticed, 

Good Oils are Good for You

Good Oils are Good for You

Generally speaking, when it comes to cooking oils, there are two types; good and bad. “Good” oils are high in healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats, while “bad “oils are high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids. Let us look at each type in turn, 

Yes, It’s Time to Start Planning for Your Halloween Party

Yes, It’s Time to Start Planning for Your Halloween Party

A quick definition to start off this week’s post…plan (v) – decide on and arrange in advance. Now, let’s use it in a sentence…“It’s wise to plan for your Halloween party in late September.” And the reason it’s wise is because it gives you time