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6 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Summer Months

6 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Summer Months

It’s summer, the season of sun, more daylight hours, vacations, cookouts and fireworks. It’s also the season of disrupted daily schedules, ignored diets, and excuses for overindulgence. However, with just a bit of forethought and determination it is possible to maintain and meet your fitness 

10 Ways to Conquer Stress

10 Ways to Conquer Stress

Last week I wrote about stress, its origins, and how our body negatively reacts to it, so it only seems logical to discuss how best to deal with stress in our increasingly stressful lives. Obviously, the best way to avoid stress is to eliminate its 

Chronic Stress is Bad for You. Here’s Why.

Chronic Stress is Bad for You. Here’s Why.

You start your day running late for work and then the egg from your fast food egg sandwich slides from between the sausage and bun and lands squarely in your lap.  When you arrive at work you discover your so-called co-worker has not completed his 

Hot Sauce is Good for You (If You Can Stand the Heat)

Hot Sauce is Good for You (If You Can Stand the Heat)

So, if you “put that s–t on everything” (slogan from a hot sauce manufacturer, not my obscenity) research has shown that, so long as it has a low sodium content, it has positive health effects. And apparently, more Americans are putting it on everything .as 

The Unexpected Benefits of Walking

The Unexpected Benefits of Walking

Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate, And though we pass them by today, Tomorrow we may come this way And take the hidden paths that run Towards the Moon or to the Sun. I thought I’d regale 

Best Brain Games for Seniors

Best Brain Games for Seniors

“Use it or lose it” is a popular maxim that can apply to a lot of things, especially things related to your body and aging such as various muscles, libido, and, in this case, mental acuity, cognitive ability, brain function or whatever they’re calling it 

Ten Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating Now

Ten Heart Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating Now

Your heart works its a$$ off every minute of every day that you’re alive.  It beats, on average, 100,000 times every day, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of arteries, veins and capillaries.  And what do we offer in return?  Fast food burgers 

10 Easy and Healthy Life Hacks

10 Easy and Healthy Life Hacks

Before I begin the list, let’s start with the definition of a “life hack.”  Near as anyone can tell, the term was coined in 2004 at a tech conference (duh!) in San Diego in reference to things which solve problems in a programmer’s life, unrelated 

This is Your Body…This is Sugar…This is Your Body on Sugar

This is Your Body…This is Sugar…This is Your Body on Sugar

Yes, I went there. Where, you ask? To the famous anti-drug Public Service Announcement ad campaign from 1987 in which John Roselius compares your brain to an egg, drugs to a hot frying pan, and the frying egg to your brain on drugs. The ad 

April is “Move More” Month

April is “Move More” Month

And no, your governor’s stay-at-home order is not an excuse to become a couch slug, binge watching that loathsome show about the guy who kept big cats as pets, in tiny cages or sedated so he could hug them without being mauled. And yes, it