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Health Tips for the Men in your Life

Health Tips for the Men in your Life

Yes, some of the following health tips can be applied to women as well, such as eating well, exercising and ending unhealthy habits.  However, men tend to be more reluctant to incorporate this advice into their lives.  Is this due to feelings of invulnerability and 

Are Your Elderly Parents Eating Properly?

Are Your Elderly Parents Eating Properly?

That can be a difficult question to answer, especially if you’re geographically removed from one another.  However, as your parents age, it’s a question that needs to be answered on a regular basis; more than once a year, at a minimum.  Simply asking them, “mom 

Macros and MagicKitchen

Macros and MagicKitchen

The good news is that “macros” does not refer to macroeconomics…unless you’re into that, then it’s bad news, but who’s into macroeconomics…honestly.  “Macros” in this instance refers to macronutrients, or the things you eat and in this case the things you eat are broken into 

12 Super-foods for Women

12 Super-foods for Women

OK ladies, this one’s for you.  Yes, I’ve written plenty of posts about super-foods, but this one is specifically for those of the female persuasion, the fairer sex, those of you from Venus (and resemble her as well), those made with sugar and spice and 

Six Healthy Holiday Snack Recipes

Six Healthy Holiday Snack Recipes

It’s an inevitable, immutable fact about the holidays…it’s impossible to eat healthy, even if you make that valiant attempt.  Home, office, shop, school, store, the homes of family and friends, barn, coal mine, submarine; no matter where you go, unhealthy snacks and food abounds.  And 

Don’t Forget the Seniors in Your Life this Holiday Season

Don’t Forget the Seniors in Your Life this Holiday Season

Your time and attention…that’s what most seniors crave, especially during the holidays.  Yes, you can get them gifts, such as jewelry, clothes, collectibles, or tickets to the upcoming Mötley Crüe and Def Leppard tour.  However, whether the seniors in your life are friends or loved 

Stay Woke Regarding Your Health this Holiday Season!

Stay Woke Regarding Your Health this Holiday Season!

Yep, I just went there.  I just appropriated a social trope (stay woke) in order to help you stay healthy over the holidays.  For those of you still dozing out there, “stay woke” is a social/political term that refers to being aware of various forms 

Exercise Tips for Type 2 Diabetics

Exercise Tips for Type 2 Diabetics

Chances are, if you’ve developed type 2 diabetes, you’re overweight, and that’s OK…stuff happens.  However, now that “stuff” has happened, you’re forced to deal with your type 2 diabetes and regular exercise is an essential part of your treatment. There is no cure for type 

Seven Possible Reasons for Overeating

Seven Possible Reasons for Overeating

We’ve all done it on occasion…sat down with a quart of Haagen-Dazs, been forced to undo our pants at the buffet table, scarfed down two Whoppers at a single sitting, or split and licked our way through an entire container of Oreos while watching a 

10 Awesome Gifts for Your Older Parents

10 Awesome Gifts for Your Older Parents

…And my older parents as well since my dad is now 86 and mom 84.  That being the case, I know how difficult it can be to shop for older parents as one looks for a nice mix of practical and, dare I say, “fun”