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Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Hey there! Mother’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re anything like me, you’re probably scratching your head wondering what to get the woman who gave you life. Fear not, my dear friends, for I have some top-notch gift ideas that are sure 

7 Tips For How To Host A Stress-Free Dinner Party

7 Tips For How To Host A Stress-Free Dinner Party

Author: Dan Scalco Bio: Dan is the blogger behind Food Box HQ, a website and YouTube channel dedicated to covering the food box industry. He’s on a mission to try every meal delivery service in the nation! Are you looking to host a dinner party 

How to Stay Healthy and Fit Over 65

How to Stay Healthy and Fit Over 65

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to take care of our bodies to maintain good health and fitness. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy and fit over 65, and nutrition experts have some valuable tips to share. Nutrition Tips: Eat a 

5 Day Meal Plan For A Renal Diet

5 Day Meal Plan For A Renal Diet

Are you or a loved one dealing with kidney disease and trying to navigate a renal diet? Meal planning can be a daunting task when faced with the restrictions and requirements of a kidney-friendly diet. However, taking the time to plan ahead and choose the 

8 Proven Benefits of Meditation

8 Proven Benefits of Meditation

There are actually nine primary types of meditation: mindfulness, spiritual, focused, movement, mantra, transcendental, progressive, love-kindness, and visualization. While each is slightly different and unique, they all tend to have the similar health benefits and those benefits are the topic of this week’s post. In 

How to Create a Workout Routine

How to Create a Workout Routine

So, you say you want to become a healthier person? Well, there are two main factors that go into creating a healthier you, diet and exercise. Diet and various types of exercises you can perform or participate in I have addressed in numerous previous posts. 

How Meal Planning Can Save You Money

How Meal Planning Can Save You Money

The number one rule when it comes to meal planning and saving money is: stick to the plan! If you spend 30 minutes or so each week planning out your meals and then cave when you pass your first Chipotle or Panera Bread, that’s known 

How to Make Time for Workouts When You Have no Time

How to Make Time for Workouts When You Have no Time

Let’s face it, you’re not the only person who’s super-busy out there. We all have hectic schedules, yet somehow, many of us (or them) manage to fit multiple workouts into our weekly routine. How do they do that? How do they workout out four or 

African Contributions to Cuisine in America

African Contributions to Cuisine in America

From the time the first enslaved Africans arrived in America in 1619 (Jamestown) until present day, Africa has contributed greatly to cuisine in America. Many enslaved Africans brought the knowledge of their previous life with them, to include food recipes and, in some instances, the 

The Glorious Grapefruit

The Glorious Grapefruit

Perhaps no other fruit, or food, for that matter, is more associated with dieting than the humble grapefruit (except for maybe celery). If anyone in a movie or television show is trying to lose weight, they will most likely be seen eating a grapefruit, especially