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Fall is the Perfect Time for a 30-day Fitness Challenge

Fall is the Perfect Time for a 30-day Fitness Challenge

Despite the vacation time, summer, with its broken routines, can be a hectic time of year.  With the arrival of fall, the kids go back to school, beach/pool time comes to an end, vacation days are used up, and routines return. As you reconstruct your 

Four Reasons to go Dairy Free

Four Reasons to go Dairy Free

As humans, we are the only mammals on the planet that consumes milk from another species throughout our lives.  Every other mammal ends their consumption of milk after being weaned, but we continue to consume milk and milk-based products through adulthood.  We have been told 

Summer Foods That Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

Summer Foods That Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

We all have those favorite memories of carefree childhood summers and those memories usually include a body of water, a young summer romance (like Danny and Sandy from Grease) and our favorite summer foods.  Since this blog is associated with a food delivery service, we’ll 

Unique Ideas for Your Next Picnic

Unique Ideas for Your Next Picnic

Since these ideas are “unique,” they go above and beyond typical ideas that deal with blankets, food and baskets…well, one idea is basket related…but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet.  Anyway, since I’m a big fan of the outdoors, picnics scratch me right 

Summer Drinks to Beat the Heat

Summer Drinks to Beat the Heat

Subtitle: and get a wee bit tipsy, but not falling-down drunk.  And we all know the difference between the two, now don’t we?  These are cocktails that refresh AND have the ability to slightly inebriate.  Not to worry all you teetotalers and minors out there, 

Safe Fun in the Sun

Safe Fun in the Sun

“She had her drink in her hand.  She had her toes in the sand…” (Van Halen, Beautiful Girls).  Yes, the beach beckons and you’re answering the call this summer.  However, unlike those care-free boys (Beautiful Girls was released in 1979) from Van Halen, you’re older 

Fake it ‘til You Make it: How to Think Like a Thin Person.

Fake it ‘til You Make it: How to Think Like a Thin Person.

OK, you might not currently be classified as a thin person, but that should, in no way, preclude you from thinking like one.  In fact, research has shown that it will assist you in becoming one with a little patience and re-configuring how you think 

The Mediterranean Diet: Best Summer Meals

The Mediterranean Diet: Best Summer Meals

Or, The Mediterranean Diet: if you don’t know, you better ask someone.  For those of you that need to ask, the Mediterranean Diet has been around since the 1960s and stemmed from some research into why people from that region had lower instances of cardiovascular 

Top Ten Tips for a Successful Cookout

Top Ten Tips for a Successful Cookout

This just in from Captain Obvious: July is National Grilling Month…and, not surprisingly, National Hot Dog Month (my West Highland terrier agrees, July makes him one hot dog).  I usually look for the history behind “national” days and months.  However, in this case, no one 

20 Minute Workouts for Seniors

20 Minute Workouts for Seniors

Come on, you’ve got a spare 30 minutes (5 minutes to get ready, 20-minute workout and another 5 to cool down) in your day for exercise.  Don’t lie to me, and, more importantly, don’t lie to yourself.  No one is so busy that they don’t