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The Absolute Best Senior Exercise Videos

The Absolute Best Senior Exercise Videos

As we all know, exercise, in conjunction with diet, is essential to our overall health and well-being, and that fact does not change as we age.  As we get older, we experience muscle loss, which adversely affects our coordination, balance and stability. Also, as our 

Have Your Mother’s Day Delivered

Have Your Mother’s Day Delivered

Yes, some (most?) moms enjoy preparing the family meal for holiday gatherings, including the day that is designated to honor them.  However, that doesn’t make it right.  Should you, then, prepare and cook the family meal this Mother’s Day?  Yeah, I thought not.  Who wants to 

Seven Great Get-Well Gift Ideas

Seven Great Get-Well Gift Ideas

When it comes to illness or injury, I’m a big proponent of the old maxim (pithy phrase, not the semi-adult men’s magazine) “Laughter is the best medicine.”  No one is sure who originally coined this phrase as it exists in numerous forms from numerous time 

Heart Healthy Foods for an Effective Cardiac Diet

Heart Healthy Foods for an Effective Cardiac Diet

As usual, let’s answer the obvious question first: what is a cardiac diet?  It’s more than just a “heart healthy” diet.  Simply stated, it’s a diet that promotes cardiovascular health as it impacts both your heart and vascular system (your network of veins, arteries and 

Seven Superfoods for Diabetics

Seven Superfoods for Diabetics

Let’s begin with the obvious question: what the hell is a “superfood?”  The Oxford English dictionary defines it this way: A nutrient rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.  And for those of you who don’t know, diabetes is a disease 

What Makes the Mediterranean Diet so Marvelous?

What Makes the Mediterranean Diet so Marvelous?

Yes, it’s been around for years…well, centuries actually, if you consider that the people who live along the Mediterranean have been eating this way forever.  It achieved widespread prominence in North America in the 1990s, although its virtues had been extolled in a work by 

Five Essential Guidelines for Senior Nutrition

Five Essential Guidelines for Senior Nutrition

This is one of those “deal with it” moments.  As we age, our bodies and nutritional needs change, deal with it.  As a result, nutrition for older folks (those over 50) becomes even more important than nutritional needs for the younger folks out there.  And 

Seven Heavenly Gift Ideas for New Parents

Seven Heavenly Gift Ideas for New Parents

The ‘new parent freak out’…you’ve probably gone through or witnessed this phenomenon first hand.  Some folks call it “nesting:” the bird-like practice of preparing the home for a new arrival.  It’s the primary reason we hold baby showers, to assist the nesting process and to 

Elderly Parents Who Refuse Help and Siblings Who Refuse to Offer Any: What to Do?

Elderly Parents Who Refuse Help and Siblings Who Refuse to Offer Any: What to Do?

In this post, we’ll try to answer two questions: What to do when elderly parents refuse help? and, what to do when siblings don’t help with aging parents?  Yeah, I know, that’s a lot, right?  Then let’s get started with the first question, well, first… 

What’s Your Metabolic Type?

What’s Your Metabolic Type?

Warning: before I enlighten you regarding your metabolic type, this post will define a lot of terms related to metabolism…beginning with, well, metabolism, which is the chemical process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy.  Used in a sentence it