Tag: Lifestyle

Six Ways to Make Healthy Eating Easier

Six Ways to Make Healthy Eating Easier

Yes, eating healthy can be quite a chore. If that’s the case, then the opposite must also be true and that is certainly the case. Eating in an unhealthy manner is incredibly easy thanks to fast food joints on every corner and how convenient and 

Common Diet Myths Busted

Common Diet Myths Busted

George Washington cut down a cherry tree and then admitted it when questioned rather than tell a lie. Just 300 Spartans held off the entire Persian army at Thermopylae. Christopher Columbus discovered America. Marie Antoinette once said, “Let them eat cake.” when asked what the 

Dieting vs. Lifestyle Changes

Dieting vs. Lifestyle Changes

Yes, there is a distinction and that distinction is based predominately upon longevity and severity? Is “severity” the correct word? Probably not, how about “personal  involvement” or “investment?” A diet implies a temporary adjustment to the amount and/or type of food consumed that ends once 

Spring Clean your Dietary Habits

Spring Clean your Dietary Habits

There are various theories regarding the tradition of spring cleaning. It might have originated with the Persian New Year when everything in the house was cleaned prior to its arrival. Perhaps it came from the Jewish tradition of finding and eliminating all leavened foods (including crumbs) 

It’s March 2021, Time to Personalize Your Plate

It’s March 2021, Time to Personalize Your Plate

Some of the best personalized plates I’ve seen include, “EWW A BUG” on a Volkswagen beetle, “VLAD THE” on a Chevy Impala (get it?), “R U NEXT” on a Hearst, and “MUAHAHA” on a car that cut me off. Wait…wrong article. This is, of course, a 

Chronic Stress is Bad for You. Here’s Why.

Chronic Stress is Bad for You. Here’s Why.

You start your day running late for work and then the egg from your fast food egg sandwich slides from between the sausage and bun and lands squarely in your lap.  When you arrive at work you discover your so-called co-worker has not completed his