Tag: meal delivery

The Many Benefits of a Pre-Made Meal Delivery Service

The Many Benefits of a Pre-Made Meal Delivery Service

Those benefits can be boiled done to two words, convenience and healthy. That’s it. Obviously, there are other words that fall under those two umbrella words and they are as follows…I know, short introductory paragraph, right? Convenience would be the first word that comes to 

Meal Delivery Service…Great for Your Health

Meal Delivery Service…Great for Your Health

I’ve written, many times, about the benefits of a meal delivery service on this blog. I mean, after all, I work for a meal delivery service so it kinda makes sense. However, I normally write about the convenience, or how it saves time and money, 

Our New Flex Subscription Program

Our New Flex Subscription Program

Since MagicKitchen.com started in 2005, we felt having customers sign a subscription with us to receive meals was not appropriate and it is up to the individual product taste, texture, etc. that would bring the customers back for more of our product, not a contract.