1. To keep everything free-flowing, periodically pour boiling water down the drain to keep clogs from forming.
2. Use a dustpan to fill a large bucket that won’t fit into your sink.
3. Use a mason jar on your blender. It will fit the blade mechanism, and you can store what you blend in the mason jar!
4. Use a straw to de-stem a strawberry.
5. Add a cup under a bowl to allow you to microwave two bowls at a time.
6. It’s nice to have a glass of wine while cooking. Cool warm wine by adding frozen grapes, they won’t dilute the wine.
7. Place a wooden spoon over a boiling pot, to keep it from boiling over. Really works!
8. A magnet inside a metal tea canister will stick it to the fridge, for elegant-looking containers.
9. Use a cd rack to organize tupperware lids.
10. Put the handle of your wooden spoon in the pot handle hole, to keep it from dripping on the stove.
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