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Meal Plans, Weight Loss and Longevity

Meal Plans, Weight Loss and Longevity

“For the obese and very overweight, losing weight will improve overall health.” This is far from a revelation. The vast majority of us know this, yet obesity rates in the United States remains extremely high. Roughly 33% of the adult population in America is considered 

5 Ways Weight Loss Alleviates Arthritis Pain

5 Ways Weight Loss Alleviates Arthritis Pain

No matter the type of arthritis, rheumatoid, psoriatic or osteo (which is the most common form by far), carrying around extra weight can increase joint pain and deterioration, especially in the weight-bearing knees and hips. Approximately 70% of adult Americans are overweight or obese and 

10 Ways to Make Exercise Fun

10 Ways to Make Exercise Fun

“Exercise” and “fun” are two words that are not usually paired together. For most people, “exercise” is almost always combined with “boring,” “tedious,” or “a necessary evil.” Well, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m not going to 

Food, Nutrition and Your Immune System

Food, Nutrition and Your Immune System

Yeah, we’ve all done it before…we feel a cold or the flu coming on and start consuming large quantities of orange juice and citrus fruits in the vain hope that exorbitant amounts of vitamin C will fend off the illness or at least lessen its 

10 Things to Do with the Time You Save By Using

10 Things to Do with the Time You Save By Using

Yes, cooking can be an enjoyable and stress-relieving endeavor. Giving of your time and energy to plan and prepare a meal for those you love is therapeutic indeed. However, there are times when this is impossible in our harried and hectic lives. There are times 

10 Ways to Enhance Your Quality of Life

10 Ways to Enhance Your Quality of Life

I’m not gonna lie, enhancing your quality of life will not be easy. It takes conscientious effort on your part, also known as work. You, like everyone else on this planet, have “bad” habits that diminish your quality of life and getting rid of them, 

What a Vegetarian Diet Can Do for You

What a Vegetarian Diet Can Do for You

One day I was an omnivore and the next I was a strict vegetarian. It’s hard to believe that day happened almost twelve years ago. So, when I was given vegetarianism as the topic for this post, I felt I knew a great deal about 

It’s March 2021, Time to Personalize Your Plate

It’s March 2021, Time to Personalize Your Plate

Some of the best personalized plates I’ve seen include, “EWW A BUG” on a Volkswagen beetle, “VLAD THE” on a Chevy Impala (get it?), “R U NEXT” on a Hearst, and “MUAHAHA” on a car that cut me off. Wait…wrong article. This is, of course, a 

The 10 Best Spring Meals on our Menu

The 10 Best Spring Meals on our Menu

I have spent the past few months offering tips on diet, nutrition, physical activity (otherwise known as exercise) and overall well-being. However, there are times when we feel its beneficial for all involved to let our readers know about what we have to offer here at, and this is one of those times.

10 Ways to Curb Those Cravings

10 Ways to Curb Those Cravings

It’s the eternal question; why don’t we crave things like Brussels sprouts, parsnips and kale? I think it has something to do with the fact that they taste awful, but I’m no nutritionist. Our cravings are both generalized (sugar, salt) and specific (double chocolate chunk