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Life is Just a Bowl of (Very Healthy) Cherries

Life is Just a Bowl of (Very Healthy) Cherries

Way back in 1931, Ethel Merman made the song, “Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries” very popular by singing it in the Broadway Revue, Scandals of 1931. Since then, it has been covered by artists such as Doris Day, Judy Garland, and Johnny Mathis. 

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

Lactose intolerant? Thinking of going vegan? Don’t like the high calories and/or taste of dairy products? Discovered that the leader of the opposition political party owns a large dairy farm? If you’re thinking about giving up dairy, for whatever reason, one of your greatest challenges 

Magic Cups are Magical

Magic Cups are Magical

For those suffering through involuntary weight loss or dysphagia (swallowing difficulties), Hormel’s Magic Cups can be a magic-like solution. Manufactured by Hormel Health Labs, Magic Cups are four-ounce treats that, when frozen, serve as an ice cream substitute and at room temperature, a pudding substitute. 

How to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

How to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

In case you don’t know, yo-yo dieting is the practice of losing weight and then putting it back on again (and sometimes more than you lost) then starting the process over again. This process usually occurs gradually, over time as we lose our focus and 

Best Produce Picks for August

Best Produce Picks for August

Chances are, if you have a favorite seasonal fruit or veggie it is currently available at a local farmer’s market or grocery produce section. August is one of the best months to purchase and devour those fruits and veggies you wait all year for just 

The Amazing (and Overlooked) Health Benefits of Swimming

The Amazing (and Overlooked) Health Benefits of Swimming

Different strokes for different folks was all I could think of when assigned this week’s topic. One of the joys of swimming are the different strokes one can employ to break up the monotony and to work different muscles. Just think of the possibilities: freestyle 

How to Get the Entire Family Involved in Fitness

How to Get the Entire Family Involved in Fitness

Upwards of 80 percent of American adults and adolescents do not engage in enough aerobic physical activity to meet minimum government recommended guidelines. Healthy habits, like any habit, begin at a young age. Children model the behavior of the adults in their lives and if 

How to Make this Summer Your Healthiest Ever

How to Make this Summer Your Healthiest Ever

As we all know, summer can be a relaxing and hectic season simultaneously. There are calm evenings spent on the back deck enjoying the company of friends and family while enjoying a well-earned beverage, while there are also days filled with travel, sight-seeing, planning, youth 

The Health Benefits of Walking More

The Health Benefits of Walking More

You are not walking enough…probably. You are also probably not walking fast or often enough. Research consistently reveals that most American adults do not get enough aerobic activity, which includes walking, and that same research reveals numerous health benefits that are derived from regular walking 

Purple: The Color of Kings, Prince and Healthy Foods

Purple: The Color of Kings, Prince and Healthy Foods

Hundreds of years ago, purple-colored clothing was tough to come by. The dye used on fabric came from the Phoenician city of Tyre (now in Lebanon) and was acquired from either Mediterranean snails or mollusks (wait, is a snail a mollusk?). Thousands of these poor