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Gluten Intolerant?  20 Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

Gluten Intolerant? 20 Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

If you’re following any kind of specialized diet, the holidays present a unique set of challenges above and beyond those presented in your every-day, non-holiday life.  For those of you who follow a gluten-free diet, for health or other reasons, the holidays, with their routine-breaking 

What the Hell is a Telomere and Why Should You Care?

What the Hell is a Telomere and Why Should You Care?

Let me come clean here, I’m having a heck of a time wrapping my mind around the existence of telomeres and their role in our health and the anti-aging process. I just read a medical study on telomeres and how they can be used as 

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

Along the same lines as the title of this post are: “How to sing like Adele,” How to make love like you were 20 again,” and “How to have more free time and be your own boss.”  I jest, of course.  Obviously, you can only 

Weight Gain with Age…What to do?

Weight Gain with Age…What to do?

Quite a few things come with age…wisdom, hair in new and unwanted places, and crow’s feet being among them.  And I almost forgot, weight gain, usually in the form of that muffin top escaping from the top of your jeans just as a real muffin 

Thanksgiving is Coming…Are you Ready?

Thanksgiving is Coming…Are you Ready?

Like yet another “remastered” Beatles’ album, it’s coming.  Like joint pain, it’s coming.  Like bad risotto, a bad relationship and bad superhero movies, it’s coming.  Of course, as the title of this post implies, I refer to that joyous fourth Thursday in November we now, 

The Keto Diet: Why All the Fuss?

The Keto Diet: Why All the Fuss?

We tend to follow trends and, with regard to diets, this very much holds true.  Currently, the new trendy trend among diets is what’s known as the ketogenic, or keto, diet.  Look on magazine covers while standing in the grocery checkout lines, diet and/or food 

Our 1,200-Calorie Meal Plan and Exercise: Your Weight Loss Solution

Our 1,200-Calorie Meal Plan and Exercise: Your Weight Loss Solution

It’s the most common refrain heard by those seeking to lose weight, “eat less and exercise.”  And there’s a very good reason for that.  It works.  Burn more calories, per day, than you take in and you’ll lose weight.  Is it really that simple?  Yes 

How to Set up a Meal Plan for Seniors

How to Set up a Meal Plan for Seniors

Yeah, I know, the holidays are almost upon us and the last thing you want to think about is meal planning for the elderly person(s) in your life.  But you know you worry about whether your elderly parents or grandparents are eating enough and/or if 

9 Foods to Avoid on a Keto Diet

9 Foods to Avoid on a Keto Diet

The keto diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and carb-restricted diet. Originally designed to treat drug-resistant epilepsy in children, the diet has now grown in popularity as a weight-loss, performance-enhancing, and health-boosting protocol. The keto diet is based around a macronutrient ratio where 60-75% of calories 

Fall is the Perfect Time for a 30-day Fitness Challenge

Fall is the Perfect Time for a 30-day Fitness Challenge

Despite the vacation time, summer, with its broken routines, can be a hectic time of year.  With the arrival of fall, the kids go back to school, beach/pool time comes to an end, vacation days are used up, and routines return. As you reconstruct your